In what seems to be a rapid turn of events and a quick repetition of sunrise and sunset, days have piled up against each other to become weeks and weeks upon themselves to become months. It seems we started the session barely a few weeks ago yet with the tests knocking on our doors, we are forced to come to terms with the bitter truth that we’re in actual terms, deep into this session. And yes, this is the ninth week. If you didn’t know this before now, well, now you know. With all the hustle and bustle that comes with registrations in the first weeks, we won’t be surprised if suddenly you’ve lost track of time but hey, you have us here to slap you back to reality. Of a certain not just a handful of Fatsssaites are yet to secure a place to retire to after each day of stress in their respective halls of residence. In Indy hall for example, students whose accommodation requests had been approved are yet to get rooms owing to lack of bed spaces. And while some have improvised ...