....... So there I was lively on the queue like one that had the previous night enjoyed in an edifice inhabiting beds of roses. I was eagerly, yet bitterly waiting to get the last two thousand something I've got in my thin-like structured account when what seemed a voice from heaven called out for me, or maybe called out for someone else I assumed just had to be me. But for the perception that God will speak with a voice that'll sound like a man's, I would have easily gone to church, shared a testimony that I actually heard from God himself. "Hello, i'm Anita" I heard vividly, though she seemed to have muttered some other words. I swiftly turned with a speed sure enough to beat that of light and sound, lo and behold, there stood a figure who obviously could never have had her happy face fazed by any phase of sadness or the lot! In the very seconds of glancing (analysing shoul...