By Osarennoma Ogbeide Second semester began like a gentle wind. Many are used to the trend. The semester is known to bring a wave of activities; hall week, faculty week, department week, excursions, seminars, master class trainings, fellowship programs, football games, dinners, even jaw war; the list is endless, not forgetting classes, tests, group projects and the like. All these are the expected, thus we adequately prepare to manage our time such that our interests and priorities are encapsulated and our academics are not deficient. Little did we know that we should have prepared for a shift, the unexpected. It started with complains from Awo, CMF and AOO girls (our people in the outskirts) about keke and cab drivers refusing to go towards their hostels because of the distance, creating much inconvenience and increasing rate of insecurity when they eventually have to walk the long distance in the silence of the night. The issue was properly tabled and addressed to the right ...