Challenging the Shadows: Unmasking Sexism in the Modern World

Editorial: By Eniola Fase Sexism – it's a term that has echoed through the corridors of history for centuries, haunting women and marginalising their voices. Despite immense progress in various aspects of society, sexism remains a deep-rooted issue that continues to cast its long shadow over the modern world. In this opinion article, we will delve into the many facets of sexism, its subtle forms, and the urgent need to dismantle this harmful ideology. The Subtle Sexism: A Silent Oppressor Sexism is not always overt. Its subtler manifestations often go unnoticed but leave a profound impact. The pay gap between men and women, the limited representation of women in high-ranking positions, and the pervasive stereotypes that dictate how women should behave are all systemic sexism. The most insidious aspect of subtle sexism is that it often slips under the radar. Comments and behaviours that may seem innocuous indicate a society where discrim...