Academic Excellence: Bamimore Sogo shines as Best Graduating Student in the Social Sciences Faculty

by Elizabeth Olatoye Bamimore Sogo has been announced as the Best Graduating Student in the department of Political Science and simultaneously, the Best Graduating Student in the Faculty of the Social Sciences with a CGPA of 3.8/4.0 at the 76th Convocation Ceremony of the University of Ibadan, which commenced on the 13th November, 2024, at the International Conference Center, UI. Bamimore Sogo is a student of the department of political Science who gained admission into the University of Ibadan in 2018 and has finally completed his degree program as a first class graduate earning himself a B.Sc in Political Science . This Best Graduating Student also bagged other awards such as : -Opualabo Tiriah and Princesss Pbialiaba Sai Prize in Political Science to the Best Bachelor Degree Student in the Department of Political Science. -Onosode Student Leadership (OSL) Prize for the student of the Faculty of the Social Sciences in C...