February 1971

A day like every other day Well, so you thought An activist, so you were Fighting for students’ rights your goal Student welfarism, your life On February 1st 1971 Oh! That wicked day You stood from your bed never to lie on it again Who knew you were never going to lie down on a cool and cozy bed Except in the grave Not even you If you had known what would happen! Oh! That day The flowers nodded, the wind howled Were they trying to tell you something? Or just doing their natural calling Nobody knows Death laid its cold and icy hands on you It put a period to your endeavours That sudden moment When the gun was fired and the bullet wheezed by Looking for someone to end Alas! It got to you You fell on that day for welfarism to rise You paid the ultimate price for our enjoyment You died in the struggle for better welfare services to students Oh! What an irony of life You fought for a cause you never knew you wouldn’t enjoy You c...