In respect to the Total student's Conference organised by the Indelible Impact team of the Faculty of The Social Sciences tagged "IS SCHOOL A SCAM?" Here are some feedbacks gotten from the participants as to the success of the program: "I don't really know the adjective that I can to qualify the program... It was one the best programs I've attended on this campus. I learnt that both formal education and informal education complements each other Secondly, self - confidence is one of important keys in achieving your gaols, i.e. you must believe in yourself. Your field of study as an undergraduate, doesn't guaranty where you will end up in future..." ~ Egbewale Kehinde 400l Sociology "School is a scam only if you're a scammer. Secondly, education or school is of two types: formal and informal education (handwork) and I learnt that we have to combine the both of them to attain success and school is a stepping stone to success. So schoo...