In respect to the Total student's Conference organised by the Indelible Impact team of the Faculty of The Social Sciences tagged "IS SCHOOL A SCAM?" Here are some feedbacks gotten from the participants as to the success of the program:

"I don't really know the adjective that I can to qualify the program... It was one the best programs I've attended on this campus. I learnt that both formal education and informal education complements each other Secondly, self - confidence is one of important keys in achieving your gaols, i.e. you must believe in yourself. Your field of study as an undergraduate, doesn't guaranty where you will end up in future..."
~ Egbewale Kehinde
400l Sociology

"School is a scam only if you're a scammer. Secondly, education or school is of two types: formal and informal education (handwork) and I learnt that we have to combine the both of them to attain success and school is a stepping stone to success. So school is not a scam after all. "
~ Ashcroft Dominion,
 100l Psychology

"I'd like to appreciate the brains behind this wonderful conference, I believe this is the best time any program of this kind should hold. God bless FATSSA.
At first, I thought Education was different from SCHOOL. I got to understand one can't explain one without the other. Majority of Nigerian students believe that by attending school, they'll be wealthy (because they'd get a white collar job paying 6-digits as salary). Well, this is good and was true when the population of the educated Nigerians wasnt much. Now, because school certificate cannot offer these "benefits", we then concluded that school is a scam
Dr. Milton, the keynote speaker of the day did justice to the benefit of school, some of which are; school boost self-confidence and reliance, helps in building problem solving potential, school helps us inculcate some skills like critical thinking, creativity, analytical thinking, school also helps in building character (our lecturers are even fond of reminding us in class that UI awards certificate on character and learning 😉) etc. The impact of school can never be overemphasized.
I'll use this opportunity to answer the topic for those who weren't at the conference. Is school a scam? No, it has never been, and it'll never be a SCAM."
~ Oluwa Kayode
200L, Economics

"It was really nice and interactive, and I think it was able to change most people's mindset about school. I, personally learnt a lot from the program, especially the part where we need to develop our extracurricular activities."
 ~ Elisha
200L, Geography

"Well this is what i have learnt…  School in itself is not sufficient and cannot perform its function all alone. We come to school to learn how to become a better person and affect our society not to be taught Is school a scam? Yes, if you want to be taught everything. But in the reality of our world (Nigeria), the bulk of the job is on us as students."
~ Williams Abiodun
200l psychology

"The conference was great. It's a life time opportunity. It made me understand why school is not a scam.  It's not just about the certificate; it's about our dreams, our passion. To the indelible impact team, like their name implies they are making great efforts to impact greatly to the students of the faculty of social sciences... Kudos to this great team. I believe we should be expecting more of their works soon. Thanks to them."
~ Favour Alake
200L, Geography

"The programme was awesome and very eye opening. I enjoyed every bit of it. Fatsssa executives really did well. I learnt that, you should be formal and informally learned, it will help in life… Also it is important to define what success means to you personally and always be prepared when opportunities come."
~ Adebowale Oreoluwa Olamide
400L Psychology

"The Total Student Conference 1.0 I would call it; was an awesome programme.  It was mind-blowing but more so focus shapening. It re-affirmed my convictions that school is a medium of formal and informal education, a huge stepping and training ground for whatever career path or Vocation/Skill one is interested in furthering. I learnt that no matter how great our aspirations areeducation is a great leverage, and that its good to accumulate series of experiencesVOLUNTEERING, join NGOs and clubs, fill in an internship and solve a problem. Thanks to the Indelible Impact Team for putting together an eye-opening programme . Las las school is not a Scam. I look forward to TSC 1.5 in second semester.

Babalola, Joshua
Economics 400L


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