A Quick Peep into the plenary session in the FHR: Debates over certain issues in the Constitution.
By David Adebayo On Friday, the 19th of July 2024, during an intense plenary session in the Faculty House of Representatives (FHR), two interesting and important debates over the constitution were raised. These issues are: 1. Should we continue with Bye-Elections in appointing Political Executives, given that about 20 FHR members would be the ones to decide for over 700 students within the association? 2. The structure of responsibility in the Publication Committee. As provided in the constitution, the Editor-in-Chief (E-in-C) would be the Vice Chairman and the Public Relations Officer (PRO) the Chairman. Regarding the first issue, a Bye-Election is an election that happens after the main election to fill a vacant position in the executive, typically decided by representatives from the constituency they represent. However, this alternative means, intended to ensure that a candidate is appointed to a particular vacant position, has a majo...