It is not always that I set out just to talk about other people but this week, a freshman’s remark about his roommates dug up old memories which before now I had thought were buried deep down in the abyss of my overcrowded memory. Memories whose existence I had grown oblivious to. Memories of gentle John (our loyal doormat), memories of dirty Jide, memories of talking Timothy, memories of my 100 level days, those few months I spent in the same room with three (until now), total strangers. I couldn’t just stop the picture of Jide from crawling into my conscious mind the moment that freshman remarked: “I don’t know how to handle Tolu my roommate, the guy is too dirty!” Unlike every person unfortunate to have encountered him, I never really considered Jide a dirty boy per say. I considered him a special person, one that needed to be understood. Jide could go a week without touching water and you would barely notice, all thanks to his loyal Nivea body spray.