Tell us about yourself
How has it been managing the affairs of
been going on well, thank God. All glory to the Almighty. He has been making
everything easy even though it’s stressful. There has been ups and down but it
has been a wonderful experience all along.
What has been your major challenges so far
and how have you been able to manage them?
of the challenges is actually in house, within ourseleves and by ourselves I
mean within the executive council. But with wisdom and the knowledge that God
has granted to us, we’ve been able to curtail the differences because when
you’re bringing people from different places together and you’re putting them
under one administration, obviously, they’ll have their own differences.
the ability to find a common ground will actually bring out the success of that
administration. And I think as we are now we’ve found our common ground and we
can only hope to progress more and more.
There have been a lot of positive feedback
from people on the freshers’ orientation program and the picnic. How does this
make you feel?
First of all, it was… I wouldn’t say it was a dream come true now but I would
say it was just a tip of an iceberg. Fatsssaites should still expect a lot of
things coming more and more because it’s all about facilitating and all about
bringing positive oriented stuffs. The idea of the picnic was just to bring
this integration between the freshers and the stallites which think we were able to do and not putting it
in an academic terrain, making it social. We love the fact that Fatsssaites
love it and we appreciate them.
What should Fatsssaites expect from the
facilitating team in the next couple of months?
the next couple of months, I think it would be all about academics because now
we’re trying to balance the academic life of students because many of them do
not know what to expect in the coming exams. In about five weeks from now, we
should be writing our exams. We the Facilitating team hope to balance the
academics with a little bit of social touches that they’ve had. So what we want
to focus on now is their academics and how we can bring out the best in
How do you intend to go about that?
we’ve set up our academic committee. So by the ending of this week, they should
start running. Everything has been put in place, it’s just for them to start.
And once they are out, we’ll try to do a lot of tutorial sections and even
bring in some other spice. You know, things that would make you want to be
involved in academics. Academics per say, We’re not only emphasizing on the
book aspect. We’re also looking at other aspects at which Fatsssaites can get
knowledge from like the Literary and Debating Society, the Press Organizations.
How can we bring out the best from Fatsssaites in these organizations and with
these capacities? These are the basic things we’re looking at, you get. So,
balancing the academics with their extra-curricular life.
In a nutshell, for the rest of this
semester, its going to be academics, academics. And we should expect whatever
plans you have for Fatsssaites next semester?
we can still, something can still come up in this semester, we neverb can tell.
We are all about surprises and we hope to bring out the surprise as soon as
possible, positive surprise anyways. I’m not gonna tell you what’s coming but
definitely, know that something is coming. Something big.
When you assumed office, you had goals,
right? So how many of these goals can you say you’ve achieved and what are the
plans you’ve put in place to achieve the ones that are yet to materialize?
Okay. As regards the plans that we have for Fatsssaites, I would say we have
been able to achieve ten percent. Others are coming, you know, this is still a
very early stage in the administration and then we believe that there is still
a lot of things we’ll achieve. So, because of the little time that we’re being
given - the space of one year – it’s going to take a lot. But we’re trying to
strategize in such a way that it would only a smaller time to make these things
come into effect. Like for instance now, there’s no more faculty registrations.
This was one of the fights that we put to the faculty and also the issue of our
course forms which we sorted out. Another issue that is pending is the
digitization of classrooms which we have put forward to the Dean’s table and it
is under discussion. You know, we’re looking at making our classroom equipment
functional and we’re going to do that as soon as possible.
You mentioned something about course form.
What did you do about course form?
Course form registration was supposed to be online stuff, strictly online but
because of the slowness at MIS, the faculty management actually insisted and
begged us that we should still make it the normal system that we do. That is,
the online and the manual together. And then, we took it to the school
management and even the Vice Chancellor expressed his disgust at faculties
having online registrations and also having departmental registrations because
he felt that it was a duplication of functions.
Fatsssaites are inquisitive about this
year’s package. So what special thing do you have in store for Fatsssaites as
regards package?
Package, package package. Erm. One of the things that make an administration
efficient and I say successful is the package that you give to students because
these are the things that they take home and they show their people. I can say
that there’s always one thing that the Facilitating team wants and that is
quality, irrespective of what it will cost us. We always want quality and this
you can see in the various programs that we’ve had. And even in our new shirt
that we are yet to unveil, you get. It’s a beautiful design, nice shirt. But
then, as regards package, I would want to leave it as a surprise so that I
won’t say something now and my Oga at the top say something else.
Can we tell Fatsssaites, especially the
females that you’re single?
I’m single. I’m proud to be single.
Does that mean you’re available for hunting
or poaching?
Would I say I’m available for hunting? I’m single and hoping I find the right
Can you date a Fatsssaite?
(Hesitates)… Why not? The one that is
beautiful anyways.
Are there ugly Fatsssaites?
I didn’t say that. (laughs)
Do you have a crush on any Fatsssaite?
is not a subject of public discussion. Hehehe
But Fatsssaites want to know…
would like to hold that piece of information to myself
But you know this is part of transparency,
I’m being transparent. That’s why I said I won’t say it ‘coz I don’t want to
say something now and then my Oga at the top would say something else.
Who’s your Oga at the top?
don’t know. My Oga at the top is the future person. You know now, this is the
present. And them, there’s a future. And crush is a different thing from love.
You can crush on someone now and then
tomorrow you don’t crush on the person again. But I have my eyes around. That
does not mean I have people around. That means that we’re searching, you know.
We’re on the lookout for the good girls.
Do you see yourself in mainstream politics
say, in the next five, ten years time?
years, no. Ten years, maybe. It depends on the zeal and the passion and you
know, the resource at that particular time. And even is there’s no resource,
one thing I’ve always liked is to you know, effect positive change in my environment,
in my society. And not just stand aside to effect it you know, but be a part of
that change. Politics, maybe, in the next ten years, maybe.
Any shout outs?
out to all Fatsssaites, all my goons. They’ve been very very good and caring
and all. Shout out to all the girls and the guys. I love them all. Without
them, I am not myself. I love Fatsssaites a lot. I just want them to know I
love them a lot, even the ones in the diaspora. So help me tell them I love
Thank you for your time
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