A Smear on the Democratic Creed of Checks and Balances? - Interview with Faculty President on FHR's Constitutional Encroachments

By Emmanuel Akinwale FATSSSA Press : Good day, this is the correspondent of the Faculty Press, kindly do the honours of introducing yourself Mr President : Dasaolu Daniel olumide is the name,400 level student of the Psychology department. FATSSSA Press i: Regarding the hassle surrounding the FHR and some of its decisions which are established to be unconstitutional, have you followed the trend efficiently thus far? Mr President : I have not efficiently followed it. FATSSSA Press : Mr President, have you done the due diligence of studying the FATSSSA constitution? Mr President : Yes I did (The Faculty Press correspondent tendered the link to the article written by the editorial on the 1st of March, 2024) FATSSSA Press : https://fatsssapress.blogspot.com/2024/03/a-call-for-checks-balances-is-fatsssa.html FATSSSA Press : [Mr President] Did you read the article above written by the Editorial yesterday? Mr President ...