A Smear on the Democratic Creed of Checks and Balances? - Interview with Faculty President on FHR's Constitutional Encroachments


By Emmanuel Akinwale

FATSSSA Press: Good day, this is the correspondent of the Faculty Press, kindly do the honours of introducing yourself


Mr President: Dasaolu Daniel olumide is the name,400 level student of the Psychology department.


FATSSSA Pressi: Regarding the hassle surrounding the FHR and some of its decisions which are established to be unconstitutional, have you followed the trend efficiently thus far?


Mr President: I have not efficiently followed it.


FATSSSA Press: Mr President, have you done the due diligence of studying the FATSSSA constitution?


Mr President: Yes I did


(The Faculty Press correspondent tendered the link to the article written by the editorial on the 1st of March, 2024)


FATSSSA Presshttps://fatsssapress.blogspot.com/2024/03/a-call-for-checks-balances-is-fatsssa.html


FATSSSA Press: [Mr President] Did you read the article above written by the Editorial yesterday?


Mr President: Yes I did. I went through it and I saw everything and I have taken note of the concluding part.


FATSSSA Press: If that is the case, and as you have claimed, you said "You have studied the constitution", why didn't you bring this to the fore or raise it as an observation before the FHR's hallowed chamber, as the executive is an important branch of the tripartite branches in a democratic setting. Thus, imperative that the principle of checks and balances be upheld?


Mr President: Well of a truth ,the executive arm is an important branch and we try as much as possible to check ,though it has not been that effective, but we do check....


FATSSSA Press: Is that all?


Mr President: Yes, the principles of checks and balances are upheld in FATSSSA.. we respect and follow it.


FATSSSA Press: As a sequel to the initial enquiry on whether you had studied the Constitution, when did you go through the Constitution to understand its minutiae and nuances?


Mr President: I went through it when I was contesting and randomly go through it as well


FATSSSA Press: Are you aware that Article 18, Section 2 stipulates that "For major decisions to be reached, not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the House present shall form the Quorum?" To this end, the Chief Whip, Hon. Opeyemi has ascertained that there are 29 members in the FHR.


Now, let's rewind to January 26th, 2024. During the sitting on this day, two significant decisions were made. The first involved a motion to impeach the Social Director if he failed to provide proof of transactions for the Picnic. 


According to live reporting by the Press, 11 Honourable members voted for the Social Director to present the necessary documents within 48 hours, while 6 Honourables voted for him to present the documents before the next sitting. This indicates that 18 Honourables were in attendance, with 17 Honourables voting, excluding the Speaker. The first question arises: how was that decision made without the required Quorum whilst the executive also failed to check this excess?


Mr President: I gave prior notification to the clerk that I won't be at that sitting, I went to the field to get data for my project so I was not there when the decision was made. I was only informed via phone call  about it and the only thing I could do as that point was to tell my social director to do the needful, to avoid further issues


FATSSSA Press: What is the executive's opinion on the FHR's repeated disregard for the Quorum requirement during decision-making processes?


Mr President: What is against the constitution is absolutely wrong..There is no [two] way about it


FATSSSA Press: How does the executive perceive the validity of decisions made by the FHR in instances where the Quorum was not met?


Mr President: If it doesn't meet the requirement of the constitution, it is absolutely invalid...


FATSSSA Press: Does the executive believe there is a pattern of intentional avoidance of constitutional requirements within the FHR?


Mr President: Well I really don't know..


FATSSSA Press: In light of the FHR's failure to adhere to the Quorum requirement, what actions does the executive believe should be taken to rectify past decisions?


Mr President: [To] Call their attention to it and make them acknowledge the fact,and if they don't see it as offense, we report them to staff adviser


FATSSSA Press: Regarding the knowledge of the constitution, you stated that you were absent at the plenary session held on 26th Jan. Thus, not pontificating the unconstitutional decision of the FHR.


If that is the case, it implies that other members of the executive have not committed to studying the constitution. If so, how do you as a representative organ intend to foster checks and Balances in tandem with the legislative arm when most of the members of the executive are non-conscientious in dedicating themselves to the study of the Constitution?


It could also be inferred that some members of the executive are not even dutifully aware of their constitutional responsibilities. How do you intend to untie these Gordian knots?


Mr President: well that's true.


Well I can't say for all ,but definitely each of us went through it while we were contesting.

Well,my excos are fully aware of their constitutional duty


FATSSSA Press: The[impeding] factor [to democracy] where some members of the executive committee are not well aware of the constitution outside their responsibilities, how does the executive Intend to effectively promote checks and balances?


Mr President: Well, we learn everyday....the moment we notice a default to the constitution, ours is to do our assignment be ensuring such does not happen under our nose


FATSSSA Press: What measures does the executive think should be implemented to ensure future compliance with constitutional procedures within the FHR?


Mr President: Fines can be implemented to ensure strict compliance


FATSSSA Press: As a representative of the executive, how do you view the role of the Speaker and Chief Whip in upholding constitutional standards within the FHR?


Mr President: There have been times that they have defaulted,just like the article the press released yesterday. It also spells out how they defaulted


FATSSSA Pressi: You have not effectively answered how the executive perceives the role of the Speaker and Chief Whip in upholding constitutional standards, Mr President


Mr President: If you need me to be specific, well I really can't think of any right now, but I know the speaker in particular, refers to the constitution alot whenever situation arises,however there are times she defaults but the speaker has been trying..I really can't say much about the chief whip


FATSSSA Press: With due consideration of the FATSSSA constitution, what strategies does the executive have in place to strengthen Checks and Balances to prevent unconstitutional decisions in the FHR?


Mr President: Well for now,we have not really thought of any,however i will ensure i notify the house that a copy of constitution is shared at every sitting to excos,fhr and even congressmen so as to ensure we are guided by it when decisions are to be made.


FATSSSA Press: That marks the end of the interview session. Have a blissful day, Mr President.


Mr President: Thank you so much



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