-By Adeleke John Akin' "Colossus" We have all probably had a friend, sister, brother or loved one who went through depression or better still, we have once been caught in the claws of depression; one way to communicate this is to say "Life happened". However, that is not the focus. Like the popular analogy about falling and rising back, depression is a fallen state from which many don't rise, instead they fall out of life; death, suicide... I mean! So, you will agree with me that we need to also put depression in a depressed state. We need to curb its claw and volunteering stares at us saying “ I am that tool", but I am sure your mind is most likely filled with the "How". Let me answer "Why" because "he who knows why will always be ahead of he who knows how". Why is volunteering a tool for curbing depression? From personal experienc e and statistical evidence, most cases of depression have a higher c...