LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL AS REGARDS THE FEE HIKE? - An Interview with the Students' Union President

By Emmanuel Akinwale FATSSSA Press: Can you do the honours of introducing yourself? The SU President: I’m Aw eda B ol aji, a 500-level student of veterinary medicine, the president of the students union. FATSSSA Press: All right. Could you provide more details on the res ol ution passed by the Students Union stakeh ol ders regarding the new scho ol fees? (The SU President proceeded to sharing an image of the resolution with the FATSSSA Press correspondent) The SU President: This is the res ol ution, sir. FATSSSA Press: How does the Students Union intend to handle potential repercussions from the university administration for students not paying the new fees? The SU President : We’re working towards getting a favorable fees before the deadline so our people can pay up before the deadline. FATSSSA Press: Can you elaborate on the online campaign mentioned in the res ol ution? What platforms will it utilize to ensure the campaign ...