“I and the P.R.O are working on something that’ll come up soon. It’s a secret but it’s coming up soon before the end of April, it will come out and I believe it’s gonna leave a lasting impact on the life of Fatsssaites.” – Nomeh George (Social Director)

Tell us about yourself.
I am George Armani, I’m a Sociology student, 300 level precisely, I’m a Mellambite and I’m a Uite too. And I’m a very interesting person.

Is Armani part of your real name?
Yeah. It was given to me by my Grandmother. Their surname is Nnamani and I was given birth to when my Grandfather died. So it was just a name the called me at times.

What does it mean?
It means, the father that knows the land. So most times, they just prefer calling me Amani and that’s where Armani came up from.

Do you sing?
Yes, I do. I’m a Hip-Pop artist, but with the situation of the country we are now, one has to blend one’s hip-pop with afro so that people can relate with your music well.

Have your released any song?
Yeah but not this year. I’m planning on a song but it would be coming out ending of April.

Have you done any song in the past?
Yeah. I have three songs to my name and about eight to nine features.

Where can Fatsssaites get those songs?
Fatsssaites can get the song from my private account in Binu.

Yeah. It’s not really a popular site though. You can also get my songs at Just type George in the search box. You can also get my song in ReverbNation. All my songs are in RverbNation, my manager put them there. Just type in George. There was a time that my songs were topping the chart in ReverbNation in Ibadan. I was number two in the chart then.

Would you say you’re a very social person?
Yeah. Let me say I’m very social but most times I feel my Sociality is getting out of hand so I really need to caution myself. I’m becoming too social…

Is that why you’re the Social Director of Fatsssa?
Nah. Sociality doesn’t really have to do with social directing. They are two different things.  Social directing is not really about a social life, it’s all about taking care of other people’s social life.

So someone can be anti-social and yet be a good fit for the position of the Social Director?
Yeah it’s all about planning and drafting, shey you get… but actually, being social is one of the attributes of a good Social Director but it shouldn’t be a major attribute of a Social Director.

There were great commendations for the Freshers’ orientation and Picnic you planned, how does that make you feel?
I feel great. I feel motivated. I feel gingered to do more. Once people start appreciating you, that’s like a call-up. It’s like a hit, like a turning engine, like an ignition, that you have to do more, that you have to live up to expectations because you don’t expect yourself to do a hit and go back and fall back flat. You have to keep improving so that people will get to appreciate you more. I’m so happy that people appreciated it.

Would you say it was a dream come true?
Hmmm, it’s not really like a dream come true because that was something I knew I could do. I’m not being proud here but… (hesitates) ok, let’s just say it’s a dream come true because I’ve not been there before.

What should Fatssaites expect from you in the coming months?
Ah God, they should just expect the best. We all know we can’t be organizing social activities often because of funds. Sourcing for funds at this perilous times is not easy and nobody is ready to just throw out money just like that. But we’ll look for a way to organize activities that won’t cost much. Actually, I and the P.R.O are working on something that’ll come up soon. It’s a secret but it’s coming up soon before the end of April, it will come out and I believe it’s gonna leave a lasting impart on the life of Fatsssaites.

So you’re planning on something big soon..
Not really big but something very very strong, very impartful.

So generally, how has it been managing the hustle and stress that comes with being Social Director with your academics and music?
Honestly, they say you can’t cross a river with too many horses. For now, I have a taken a break from music because I’m so distracted now. I’m actually facing my academic life and my post. But in the first three days, we all know that we really have to pour some time, to give more time to our post because of our freshers.

What can you say has been your major challenge so far?
Ahhh God, the challenges are much. You know, one thing I’ve learnt so far is that not everyone will appreciate your work. Actually, I won’t lie, I’ve been in a quarrel with too many people and I found out later that I messed up. I was supposed to have chilled for them to finish saying whatever they had to say then I’ll learn from it. But then, it feels so bad when you seem to have given up a lot of things, just for people to turn around and take you for granted. You would definitely want to react. It has really not been easy but with support from my colleagues, everything has been a huge success.

Can you say this position has helped you become a better person?
Honestly, it has really helped me because I’ve learnt to watch the way I do things. I used to be very carefree, never really cared what people had to say about my behavior but I’ve learnt to caution myself as I know I’m a role model to someone, somebody looks up to me. And I really have to project a good image, good impression. Sometimes, people will say you’re not being the real you, honestly, the real you comes out when you’re assigned a role. If I become the President, the attitudes I’ll have won’t be the same one I have now.

Is that to say that roles change people?
Most times.

Have you changed?
I would just say, I’ve not been who I used to be.

Who were you before now?
Aaahh. I would just leave it that way. (laughs)

Ok. Can you date a Fatsssaite?
(hesitates) I can actually date a Fatsssaite. Yeah

Do you have a girlfriend in Fatsssa?
Currently, I’m working on something.

Do you have a crush on any Fatsssaite?
I have a crush on almost all Fatsssa girls

Can you give us a name?
Before I give names, I want to say shout out to Loba. I have crushes but, I can’t really give out their names.

So in the next say, five years, where do you see yourself?
In the next five years. Well, everybody have their own dream but mine is a very big one. I don’t feel like working, I feel my call-up is to serve humanity. And to serve humanity with a purpose. I’ve been a member of YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) with headquarters in Germany. I’ve worked with them and if not for my academics I would have been in Germany…

As a preacher?
No. As a leadership and youth empowerment expert. I actually have a certificate on Conflict management. I actually see myself working with the international community. Going to countries, sensitizing people. Like when I was in 100l, I sensitized people at home on HIV/AIDS using my GES 107 textbook during the break.

So in a nutshell, in five years’ time, you might turn out to be a social worker?
 Yeah. If I’m not a social worker, I’ll be a serious Sociologist or maybe a musician or an inspirational speaker. Whatever it is I become, its gonna be in the Social bracket.

Any shot outs?
Initially I said shout out to Loba. I really want to say shout out to SOC Majors. Yeah, that’s where everything starts from. I also want to say shout out to my President, the Facilitator and P.R.O, sir White. I want to say shout out to Esther and to all my fellow Excos. Big shout out to the freshers and the Press… (laughs)


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