INTERVIEW: "I would love to probably check the results of FATSSSAites, maybe the book of life..."- FATSSSA Vice President

By Glory Daniel Anthony  


FATSSSA PRESS: Good afternoon. I am Daniel Anthony -Glory from FATSSSA Press and I would like to interview you regarding the educational programmes scheduled for this semester. 


Mr. Ekene: I am honoured. 


FATSSSA PRESS: Can you provide an overview of the educational programs being offered this semester. 


Mr. Ekene: Tutorials are continuing, we don't have a scholarship program, but I saw a scholarship program by NHEF which we have been broadcasting for people to register for. There's going to be a program on academics it is mostly going to be an interactive session between students and panelists 


FATSSSA PRESS: What are the main objectives of these programs? 


Mr. Ekene: The main objective is to tackle some of the issues faced by students. Issues of motivation, not knowing how to achieve their goals, not even knowing how much they are capable of, and finally helping the students with challenges would be shared. 


FATSSSA PRESS: How were the programs chosen? Were FATSSSAites involved in the decision-making process? 


Mr. Ekene: These program[s] have been developed from conversations we have had with FATSSSAites about their academics. 


FATSSSA PRESS: What new features or changes have been introduced in the educational programs compared to previous semesters? 


Mr. Ekene: The interactive session is somewhat new. It's more of a discussion around academics, it will be a platform for students to ask questions and share their opinions. 


FATSSSA PRESS: How do you plan to assess the effectiveness of the educational programs this semester? 


Mr. Ekene: Through the feedback from FATSSSAites. I would love to probably check the results of FATSSSAites, maybe the Book of life... However, it's a bit far-fetched. So we'll stick to feedback from FATSSSAites. 


FATSSSA PRESS: Are there any partnerships with external organizations or experts that enhance the educational programs this semester? 


Mr. Ekene: There are no partnerships with external organisations. However there are partnerships within the faculty as we have very seasoned lecturers fit for what we have planned. 


FATSSSA PRESS: What support services are available for students participating in these programs? 


Mr. Ekene: FATSSSAites can always reach out to their mentors, the Vice presidents, and members of the EDC. 


FATSSSA PRESS: Can you share any success stories or positive outcomes from previous semesters that highlight the impact of these educational programs? 


Mr. Ekene: Those that attended tutorials learnt a lot and they were grateful they came. It was a platform where they could understand deeper what was taught in class. 


FATSSSA PRESS: How do you ensure that the programs are inclusive and accessible to all FATSSAites? 


Mr. Ekene: There are no restrictions to the programs, broadcasts will be made, as well as class campaigns. 


FATSSSA PRESS: What feedback mechanisms are in place for FATSSSAites to share their experiences with the programs? 


Mr. Ekene: There would be a Google form for feedback for the programs of this semester, as well as some interviews. Last semester, feedback of tutorials and mentorship was given through the departmental Vice Presidents to me. 


FATSSSA PRESS: How do you plan to address any challenges or issues that may arise to disrupt the educational program scheduled for this semester? 


Mr. Ekene: I hope nothing disrupts it, however i would work around it. That's the only way to go. And I would think of alternatives to deliver what I had in mind for FATSSSAites. 


FATSSSA PRESS: How do you plan to ensure effectiveness in the educational programs scheduled for this semester considering the bulk of social activities for this semester? 


Mr. Ekene: Well, it's just one educational program, and it's going to happen before FATSSSA week. There are other educational programs happening on FATSSSA week but not directly related to academics 


FATSSSA PRESS: That will be all for now, Thank you for your time. 


Mr. Ekene: Thank you for having me. 


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