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The Poor State of FATSSSA Toilets: Is the Sanitation Committee Doing Enough?

By Aanuoluwapo Akande 

Most students visit the SLT building primarily for lectures, but they are often greeted by the unpleasant smell of the toilets. 

While one FATSSSITE mentioned that the odor doesn’t necessarily originate from the toilets but from the faculty’s soakaway, the question remains: What exactly causes the smell, and why are the toilets in such poor condition? 

Firstly, most interviewed FATSSSITES agree that the cleaners do their best; however, the primary issue is the lack of water. With sufficient water, it would be easier to flush and clean the toilets after use. 

Additionally, one of the girls' toilets has a damaged door, leaving users exposed. As a result, many girls prefer to use the remaining toilet, which offers more privacy. 

According to a FATSSSITE, the toilets were not in such bad condition last session, attributing this to a more active sanitation committee. 

This leads to an important question: Are the toilets in poor condition because the sanitation committee needs to do more? 

Another FATSSSITE mentioned that while the boys' toilets are usually clean, the problem lies with the students themselves. He suggested that some FATSSITES are not maintaining cleanliness, thus contributing to the mess. He also noted that every toilet has an odor to some degree, but the foul smell in this case likely comes from the faculty’s soakaway, not the toilets themselves. 

So, is the poor state of the toilets due to the students' lack of cleanliness, or is it because the sanitation committee has not been as active? 

On Tuesday, August 20, the Executives issued a memo stating that the toilets would be temporarily locked due to a faulty plumbing machine. This at least clarified the reason for the lack of water. 

However, after the toilets were reopened, there was no noticeable improvement in their condition. 

To gain further insight into why the toilets are in such a poor state and what actions are being taken to make them more usable, an interview was conducted with the Assistant General Secretary, who is responsible for the sanitation committee. 


The interview went as thus: 


FATSSSA Press: I'm Aanu from FATSSSA Press. Can you please introduce yourself? 


The AGS: I’m Opeseitan Elijah. The assistant general secretary of the Faculty. 


FATSSSA Press: Alright. What do you think of the state of FATSSSA'S toilet? 


The AGS: Okay. As the assistant general secretary and the one who is in charge of the toilet neatness I would say I’m not well pleased with it but working towards making it look better and conducive is the goal. 


Some major cause of this toilet being messy is  

1. The usage: most people use the toilet and don’t flush even if there is water in the drum.  

2. ⁠The pumping machine is quite faulty and the availability of water 24/7 has been limited  

3. ⁠the change of signatory to get the necessary and good cleaning materials was just done and we are yet to withdraw the money. 


With some of the adjustments in plan  

The coming weeks would be different and the toilet would be better in check 


FATSSSA Press: Why was the toilet locked temporarily? 


The AGS: Because of the lack of water due to low electricity distribution in the school premises and also the pumping machine issue 


FATSSSA Press: Alright. So, do you intend to use the money (when withdrawn) to fix the pumping machine? 


The AGS: No. Fixing pumping machine is not the association’s duty but the management. The best and my duty is to work and plead with them to hasten the repair .   

The money budgeted is only for the the cleaning of the toilet and preventing bad odor. 



FATSSSA Press: Alright. So that means for the time being students would have to fetch water at the tap? 


The AGS: Well on a clear stance. 

There would only be water for some short period of time  

After students would have to fetch water if they want to use it . 


If we find out that it is not kept well  

We would have to reduce to opening hours then 


FATSSSA Press: Alright. Do you think after the purchase of these cleaning ingredients as you mentioned the state of the toilet would be better at least before the pumping machine is fixed? 


The AGS: Yes. Following that fatsssaites should please make sure they help do the flushing after usage. 


FATSSSA Press: Okay. Lastly, some FATSSITES that I interviewed believe that the toilet was better last session compared to this session because the sanitation committee was more active. 


As the chairman if the sanitation committee, what do you think about this? 


The AGS: Smile . 

Well I can’t say much . 

The committee is trying its best to make something out even without a funding since 11 weeks.  


I know we need to do better and we are of course working towards achieving the goal. 


My board is more than active. 


FATSSSA Press: Alright. I know I said the former question was the last but your response  warrants another question; Why has the sanitation committee not received funding for 11 weeks? 


The AGS: Like I formerly told you ma 

The signatory was just completed and we would just get to withdraw money this week . 


FATSSSA Press: Alright. Thank you for having this interview with me. 


The AGS: Thank you ma .Alright. 



Following the interview with the Faculty AGS, it is clear that the toilet is in a bad condition as a result of multiple factors; the Management's not so quick to attempt to repair the pumping machine, the sanitation committee's inactivity due to lack of funding and the misuse of the toilet by FATSSITES themselves.  


However, it is anticipated that the sanitation committee gets to work as soon as possible since they would get funding this week. FATSSITES should also endeavor to use the toilet better by fetching water to flush before the pumping machine is fixed.  


This is to make sure that the toilet is kept in a good condition for all to use. 


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