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By Omolola Gracie

She tiptoed to the unfamiliar door and her hands shook as she reached for the key in her pocket. Her breath quivered as she paused to open the door. Her stomach rose to her mouth as a shadow stared back in the form of a one-eyed six-foot anomaly. 

One...two... she counted her steps. Was she going to die a virgin? That was not what she'd planned; a mom by twenty five and five babies before forty. 

Also, how the heck did such shadow exist? She was Christian but also sure that some mythical beings did not exist, and even if they did, they definitely should not have shadows. 

Looking left, right, front and back, she grabbed a five-foot pole and reached for her pocket bible and an 'anointing' oil in her bag. 

Her stomach started to turn as she poured some oil on her forehead, sanctifying herself from every potential harm. 

She dropped her bag with the speed of a sloth and stepped towards the shadow. 

"Bham!" She smacked the creature, only to hear the cries of a child, "Wen wen." 

In a jiffy, she dropped her weapons and opened the blue curtain that she had somehow been blind to.  

Behind the curtain was her four-year old brother holding a weird - looking toy. 

"Layo!" She screamed, "What are you doing here?"  

The door jammed as she pulled her crying brother close. 

"Welcome to your nightmare," a voice croaked. Layo gripped his sister's shirt so hard that his knuckles became red. 

"Who are you? What's happening?" She screamed. 

"I am your foe," the voice replied.  

Ayinke woke up, screaming. 


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