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Cast to hades OR a trip to paradise? Students' Opinion on the Book of Life

By Olatunbosun Islamiyah

Almost as congruent as the “Book of Life” quoted in the Bible, the “Book of Life” which is a biblical allusion within the UI environ, is believed to be an illegal document containing the results as well as the basic information of the students, thus listed: Name, Matric number, Department, and mode of entry among others.


To this end, some students of the University of Ibadan have shared their thoughts following the release of the non-final year results on the May 27th 2022/2023 session.


Below are the opinions of some students whose views were aggregated.


Emma, a 100-level  student shared his opinion stating that the Book of Life is a comprehensive code encompassing the academic results of undergraduate students revealing students' intelligence, proficiency, and understanding in their specialised courses by summing up their first and second-semester results.


He stated further that the time frame for the release of this Code [The Book of Life] induces significant tension and fear among students, as it determines students’ academic progress, promotion, or the consequences of negligence and failure. This evaluation system compels students to buckle down and diligently focus on their studies. They are constantly aware that their performance will be scrutinised and analysed at the end of each academic session, driving them to strive for excellence.”


Aisha, a 100-level student opined ambivalently that she is not too displeased at the idea of the Book of Life but rather taken aback by it as a freshman because she is surprised that results of non-final year students could be easily accessed publicly.


Abdulsobur, a 300-level student said “Actually it demoralised some people and at the same time encouraged some people to do more since everyone will see others' results in the Book Of Life is not always correct, what matters most is the transcript since [which makes lucid] the [actual] CGPA”


It is thus proposed through this article that conscious efforts should be taken as regards the leakage of the illegal document known as “The Book of Life” in the parlance of UI students

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