Interview with Opeseitan Elijah, AGS Aspirant


By Islamiyah

FATSSSA PRESS: My name is Islamiyah from FATSSSA PRESS, and also your interviewer of the day. Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Opeseitan Elijah: My name is Opeseitan Elijah Ifedamola, a 100-level student of the Department of Political Science, and I'm vying for the post of the Assistant General Secretary (AGS) of FATSSSA.

FATSSSA PRESS: Why AGS? What are your reasons for vying for the post of the Assistant General Secretary?

Opeseitan Elijah: Thank you for that question. One of the reasons why I'm going for the post of the Assistant General Secretary is because of my interest, which is coming into the faculty to try to change some things that were lagging during the current regime. The present regime has done a wonderful job to improve relationships between FATSSAITES and the association, so all I'm going to do there is to change it and actually add a beneficial one to it, and it has to do with my leadership capability, which I know that I can do since I'm able to portray the views of other FATSSAITES in the association, especially the incoming 100-level students.

FATSSSA PRESS: You mentioned earlier that one of your reasons for aspiring for the AGS post is because of your interest. Can you briefly explain what your interests are?

Opeseitan Elijah: My interest is to change the environmental issues. Presently, the faculty is having an issue that has to do with cleanliness. That's why I'm introducing the green agenda, which my manifesto is all about.

FATSSSA PRESS: What are your plans?

Opeseitan Elijah: My plans basically won't be said openly, but it's based on an eco-socioeconomic environment that is suitable for learning.

FATSSSA PRESS: Can you tell us a little bit about your manifesto?

Opeseitan Elijah: My manifesto is three-fold. The first one is an event scheduled to hold in the second semester. The second one is an innovative program which has to do with awareness, particularly through social media and educative programs held in the first semester in the faculty, mostly for the incoming 100-level students. The last one is that of a democracy in kind of a FATSSAITE to the association and the association to the FATSSAITES, which is a feedback process. At the end of each month, a FATSSAITE can tender their inconveniences and the conveniences they've faced so that the association can improve more on their work.

FATSSSA PRESS: What do you hope to achieve?

Opeseitan Elijah: I hope to achieve a better faculty goal, learning environment, and relationships with FATSSAITES and the association, and also with other faculties, and awareness of personal hygiene to themselves and their environment.

FATSSSA PRESS: What will be your contribution?

Opeseitan Elijah: My contribution basically will be in the form of recycling and agriculture by working with the Department of Renewable Energy and also getting new equipment that aims at a good and clean faculty suitable for learning.

FATSSSA PRESS: Thank you for your time.

Opeseitan Elijah: Thank you for having me.


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