Interview with Oderinde Paul: FATSSSA General Secretary Aspirant

By Ayebawanaemi Tarinabo-Debo

FATSSSA Press: Good afternoon, please can you briefly introduce yourself?

Oderinde Paul: Thank you, my name is Oderinde Paul Babatunde. A 200 level student from the department of Political Sciences, The Faculty of The Social Sciences, University of Ibadan.

FATSSSA Press: What post are you contesting for during the upcoming FATSSSA election?

Oderinde Paul: I am contesting for the post of the General Secretary of the Faculty of The Social Sciences Students Association.

FATSSSA Press: Why the post of the General Secretary?

Oderinde Paul: I love organization, teamwork, and I am very detailed about issues. The office of the general secretary of the faculty of the social sciences is a platform that links the student executives with the faculty management, fatsssiates, and the general public. I believe serving in this capacity will be a leverage for me to bring to fore these skills I have garnered and utilize them for the development of the student body.

FATSSSA Press: Have you ever held any post at your departmental level?

Oderinde Paul: Yes please. I have served in the department of political science House of representatives 2022/2023 in 100 level. I am still serving currently in this capacity senator in 200 level and simultaneously as the secretary of the finance committee.

FATSSSA Press: What fueled your interest at faculty level?

Oderinde Paul: I have served under administrations beyond the shores of the faculty. I have gained experience in relations. Moreso, I have plans for Fatsssaites which will be disclosed most assuredly on the manifesto night.

FATSSSA Press: How do you think your previous leadership experience has prepared you for the role of the General Secretary of the Faculty of the Social Sciences?

Oderinde Paul: Well, my constitutional duties are centered on keeping records. To this effect, I am equipped with computer skills, correspondence is covered. However basic that seems, I understand that there could be more to service than that. The effective management, articulation, and functionality of any administration depends on the cordial relationship it builds with its people whom they serve. Optimism and resilience amongst other values are what I have garnered all through my previous leadership experience.

FATSSSA Press: Can you outline your vision and goals for the faculty if you were to be elected as General Secretary?

Oderinde Paul: I plan to disclose that in my manifesto.

FATSSSA Press: How would you ensure transparency and accountability in your role as General Secretary?

Oderinde Paul: Well, every correspondence and minutes of meetings will be recorded promptly. I will ensure to reduce sentiments and be strictly formal in all sense in the discharge of my duties. When overfamiliarity in the discharge of official duty is out of the way, formality will have a smooth ride.

FATSSSA Press: How do you plan to balance your academic responsibilities with the demands of the General Secretary position?

Oderinde Paul: There are 24 hours in a day. I have 6 hours lectures on average every weekday. It's simple. I just have to cut my excesses. I just got busier. Lesser time for leisure and more time to service for the good of humanity.

FATSSSA Press: Alright, that will be all, thank you.

Oderinde Paul: It was engaging, thank you.


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