By Adelere Mayokun

FATSSSA PRESS: Good afternoon ma'am, I'm Mayokun from FATSSSA Press and I'd like to interview you.
TREASURER: Hi Good afternoon ma'am, my name is Princess Amofuesi FRANKLIN, a 300-Level Psychology Student and Treasurer of FATSSSA.
FATSSSA PRESS: Alright, it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am.
How has the experience of being the treasurer of the faculty been so far?
Coupled with the responsibilities of being a penultimate student
TREASURER: Thank you, ma'am.Same here too. My experience being Treasurer for FATSSSA has been great. The responsibilities of being a penultimate student with the challenges of being a Student representative are embedded with a lot which requires several sacrifices, prioritization, discipline and hard work. 
FATSSSA PRESS: No challenges whatsoever yet?
TREASURER: There have been some challenges
FATSSSA PRESS: Do you want to share them?
TREASURER: Basically, it's just about time management and having to sacrifice time, and sleep for balance
FATSSSA PRESS: Can you please enlighten FATSSSAites about the mode of payment for dues? The mode of payment is kind of unclear
TREASURER: The payment means for FATSSSA dues is through an online platform called CAMPUSPAY. A broadcast message has been sent out to all FATSSSAITES groups. 
To pay;
We are to click on the link, then it takes a person to the page for payment. Questions such as Name, Matric number, department, level and options of what to be paid (either an excursion or dinner fee, but basic dues are COMPULSORY) are compulsory questions required of FATSSSAITES before the page for payment comes up. 
When the page for payment comes up, FATSSSAITES have the option to select what mode they prefer (either through bank card, USSD, or transfer means). 
If a bank card is selected, it requires the card details, then FATSSSAITES after which the amount earlier stated to be paid will be debited and an online receipt will be generated instantly for every transaction made. 
FATSSSAITES are to download the receipts or save them for evidence purposes.
All this payment applies if the excursion or dinner fee is to be paid as well.
The receipt(s) are to be printed by FATSSSAITES and brought to the FATSSSA Secretariat for the Financial Secretary/Treasurer to stamp on.
Also, it has been included in the BC that if FATSSSAITES have any questions or issues regarding the payment, they should message the Financial Secretary/Treasurer (which has been included in the BC sent to all FATSSSA groups).
FATSSSA PRESS: Thank you for the clarification ma'am. It was also noticed that payment for the shirt was not included, is it that there are no plans for a shirt this session?
TREASURER: Yes, payment for the shirt is not included there because there's a different plan from the "norm" of past sessions, which has always been similar pattern(s) of a blouse.
For this session, we want FATSSSAITES to have their choice of preference (sweatshirt hoodie or jacket) but that also depends on the turnout of interest and cooperation in payment. 
However, more light will be shed as regards FATSSSAITES very soon and with these clue(s) given, I want to encourage FATSSSAITES to get prepared financially and in engagement once details have been made known for it.
FATSSSA PRESS: Okay ma'am, thank you very much
TREASURER: No problem
FATSSSA PRESS: Is there any other information you'd like to pass across to FATSSSAites regarding the payment of dues?
TREASURER: I would like to appeal to all FATSSSAITES (Freshers, stylists, finalists) to please pay their basic dues (which is compulsory). Without dues payment, FATSSSAITES can't finalize their departmental/Faculty registration. So, therefore, this defines the importance and necessity of Faculty Basic Dues.
Also, FATSSSAITES should pay for Excursions and Dinner.
The excursion has several benefits:
Practical Knowledge Is Better than Bookish Knowledge. Educational excursions help students to grasp concepts through visual learning* and this is very important for Geography Student as well as other departments because our perspectives changes when we see and discover something (new) in person.
STRESS BUSTER: Students are confined to the four walls of lecture room(s) for most of their day. The fatigue and the monotony/sameness of the four walls can lead to a stressful learning experience. Educational trips relax students who are otherwise anxious in a competitive classroom environment. It serves as a break from the normal routine of a usual day in school. 
INTERACTIVE SESSIONS during this trip: Educational excursions usually involve the interaction of a third person who is not a teacher or not part of the school management. This gives students a bit of liberty to interact with these new contacts and learn more. 
Excursions enable added Information to Students: At times, certain data is not included in a textbook. Such omitted data can be directly gained from the excursion venue. Experts can add more valuable and practical information to students during live interactive sessions.
However, several benefits come with embarking on excursions with fellow students and the School body. So, FATSSSA will be going for an excursion on September 30th which is quite close and with these few benefits explained, I believe FATSSSAITES will not want to miss these great experiences that come with an excursion. The fee for this is #5000. To pay, the link has been circulated on FATSSSA groups together with that for Basic Dues which is #3000. 
Thank you
FATSSSA PRESS: Thank you very much for your time ma
TREASURER: It's my pleasure and you are welcome.


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