IT'S FATSSSA ELECTIONS O'CLOCK!!! MEET Mr. Tomisin Tunde-Abatan, aspirant for the Office of The Gen Secretary


By Caleb

FATSSA PRESS: Good day, sir, I'm Caleb from FATSSSA press and I have a few questions regarding your aspirations for an executive position in the faculty of The Social Sciences Students' Association. Can you give briefly introduce yourself?


Mr. Tomisin: My name is Tomisin Tunde-Abatan, a penultimate student of the Department of Sociology. Amidst being a student, I'm also a businessman.

I'm an enthusiastic person toward goal achievement, and I tell you, I'm in a way, a people's person. My great communication skills tell a lot, I bet you I've got one of the best smiles you'd receive.  I'm also a great believer in being organized. I love being neat and very discrete in dressing. Finally, I'm a sports lover. I'd leave my club for you to decode.


FATSSA PRESS: I'm guessing you are a Manchester United fan.

What position are you vying for in the upcoming FATSSSA elections?


Mr. Tomisin: Okay, you've just shot me even before I meet you in person. Wow. I'm not a Manchester United fan.


I'm vying for the position of the General Secretary of The Faculty of the Social Sciences Students’ Association.


FATSSSA PRESS: That's good to hear.

Now, away from football banter.


There are several executive positions within FATSSSA. It is even well within your rights to contest for the highest position in the association; the presidency.

Why did you decide that the position of the general secretary is the best fit for you?


Mr. Tomisin: Vying for the position of General Secretary was a decision I made with the understanding of my person in particular. I've understood myself to be more of an administrator.

My reputable skills of good communication, my experience with both handling and writing letters and documents, my self-disciplined act of ensuring organization in all I do, and my very good management skills all direct me to the office of the General Secretary.

All these not being enough but my enthusiasm towards serving FATSSSAites has been a movie on play since I attended my first class as a student of this University.

The precedent to serving FATSSSAities and the skills have accumulated both as a student and a man have all led me to vie for the position of General Secretary.

So yes, I believe that the office of the General Secretary is where I can perform effectively and not as a President.

Thank you.


FATSSSA PRESS: According to the FATSSSA constitution, what do you understand as the primary responsibilities of the General Secretary, and do you think you have what it takes to fulfill them without defaulting?


Mr. Tomisin: According to the FATSSSA constitution, the General Secretary is the head of the FATSSSA Secretariat and is to have access to files and documents. Also, the General Secretary is the person in charge of arranging meetings and also taking down minutes of all the EXCOs' at every meeting. Largely, the General Secretary could be described as an intermediary between the FATSSSA house and the Executive Council, as every letter to be conveyed to any of these parties concerned all go through his desk first.

Yes, I understand myself to possess every needed quality to function as a General Secretary without defaulting.

Thank you.


FATSSSA PRESS: Do you have any previous experience as an office holder in a students' association?


Mr. Tomisin: I do not have experience as an office holder but I have served in various committees since I became a FATSSSAite. I served as the special assistant to the last President of this faculty and this has given me forehand experience on how well to function as a General Secretary as well as help in the writing of letters, and even handling of important documents at the faculty. With this forehand knowledge, I believe I can function effectively as a General Secretary of this prestige association.

Thank you.


FATSSSA PRESS: Can you share your long-term vision for the student's association and how you plan to work towards achieving it during your tenure as the General Secretary, if elected?


Mr. Tomisin: Serving FATSSSAities has always been a duty I've imposed upon myself since I was a student of this faculty and serving now at my best would merely be a continuation of the work started.

My long-term vision for this association has always been to project the excellence of this faculty to people both in and out of this University. Excellence in this faculty radiates among my spheres, ranging from politics, sports, and even our social life.

Having the right minds around me would only make achieving these plans more feasible and I believe with the skills I've acquired over the years in my service to FATSSSA and FATSSSAities, I've gathered not short of enough to achieve this goal.

If elected, I will try my very best in ensuring proper communication, correspondence, and cooperation with our higher administrators and most especially FATSSSAities, and with God by my side all things are possible.

Thank you.


FATSSSA PRESS: This brings us to the end of this interview. Thank you for your time, Mr. Tomisin. I wish you the best in your endeavours. Enjoy the rest of your day.




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