By Vivian Nnagboro

“The university and faculty are working hard to ensure that your knowledge and education is superior”

As the academic backbone of any institution, faculties of higher education are often the epicenters of cutting-edge research and educational practices. Within each faculty, there are a myriad of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to ensure that students receive the best education possible, while also pushing the boundaries of their respective fields. In this article, we had the opportunity to interview Dr Femi Olaniyan the sub dean of the faculty, a key figure responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the academic programs, research initiatives, and student experience. Through our conversation with the sub dean, we gained insights into their role, the challenges they face, and their vision for the future of the faculty. Join us as we delve deeper into the inner workings of this essential component of higher education.

CORRESPONDENT: As the sub dean of the faculty, can you provide clarification on the award that is given to the student with the best project. Is there a cash prize and if yes what is the amount? What is the criteria for winning the award? 

SUBDEAN: Yes, it is true that an award is given to the student that has been proven to have the best project of the year. It was an idea that was conceived and implemented by the former dean of the faculty Professor Catherine Chovwen. There is a cash prize to the amount of #50,000 for the student that wins the award. This year the total amount for the award will be #100,000, #50,000 for the first prize, #30,000 for the second prize and #20,000 for the third position. It was keenly competed f for. External assessors where invited from other faculties.

The competition starts from the level of the department. Each department has to select the best three projects from their final year students and forward them to the faculty. Then the faculty will invite the assessors and candidates on a fixed date and the candidates will have to defend their projects. We are currently planning for the award this year.

CORRESPONDENT: Can you discuss any partnerships and collaborations the faculty has with industries or other institutions that benefit student welfare? For example, organizations the faculty may partner with to send students for their industrial training.

SUBDEAN: For students of the faculty that need industrial training we have Industrial Training centers and it is usually the centers that link students to industries. We can also recommend students to reputable colleagues for their industrial training. 

CORRESPONDENT: Can you discuss any plans or goals the faculty has for students this year? Are new programs going to be implemented that will be beneficial to students?

SUBDEAN: I discussed with the FATSSSA executives in a meeting at the inception of our tenure and I told them we are planning a lot of programs and also made suggestions to them. When they submitted their plan I suggested that one important thing is to add an environment day. I observed that when I go round the faculty early in the morning or late in the evening many of the lecture rooms are littered with waste and it annoys me. I suggested that the environment day should have speakers that can enlighten the students on how to care for their environment day-to-day. We have also made plans for tutorials for students. We also plan on inviting external entrepreneurs to give career talks on industries they may be interested in that is not necessarily academic. We also plan on improving some infrastructure around the faculty like the faculty board and some lecture rooms. We have also discussed with the Student Union and proposed some ideas to them. The Dean has a lot of plans for the faculty.

CORRESPONDENT: How does the faculty adapt to changes in the various fields to ensure that the education provided remains relevant and up to date?

SUBDEAN: The National University commission has come up with a revised curriculum which the faculty has to key into. In fact, we have till 27th of this month as deadline to submit our revised curriculum. That’s to let you know that the university and the faculty is working hard to ensure that the quality of education provided is standard. Both the university and faculty are working hard to ensure that your knowledge and education is superior. The National University Council aims to ensure that all the programs in all the universities align. In the new curriculum they have been things added to them. 

CORRESPONDENT: Have any new courses been added to the curriculum?

SUBDEAN: We mostly have courses that have been reviewed. 

CORRESPONDENT: How does the quality of education provided to students stays the same?

SUBDEAN: There are various ways that this is done and number one is ensuring that lecturers attend their classes to teach.  This is done because of lecturers’ sheer commitment to providing students quality education even when the environment is not very enabling. Another way is through the vetting of students results. Every result of a student is vetted every semester by the university senate to ensure that there are no lapses or error. Also, at the end of the session external examiners from other universities are invited to look at students’ scripts especially the 400 level students’ projects. But most importantly student need to develop themselves because the lecturer may not be able to give you 100% of what you need. Self-development is the key to effective learning. In this university, handouts are discouraged because students are encouraged to go to libraries and carry out researchers on their courses based on their course outline provided by the lecturer. Self-development is very important in students no matter the quality because no matter how good the lecturer’s delivery is, without self-development there will be no impact. 

CORRESPONDENT: Thank you very much sir for your time that will be all. 


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