Open Parlor Session with the FHR Speaker



FATSSSAPRESS: I am John Jolaoso representing FATSSSAPRESS. This interview is to let FATSSSAites know you more. Can you introduce yourself, name, State, position and other necessary information.

Idoko Adoyi: Okay. My name is IDOKO, Adoyi. I am from Benue state and I'm currently privileged to be serving as the Speaker of FATSSSA House of Representatives (FHR). And, of course, I'm from the department of of psychology.

FATSSSAPRESS: Asides being the speaker, what other positions have you held in the Faculty?

Idoko Adoyi: At the faculty level, I served as the representative of my class at the FATSSSA House of Representatives in my 100 level. Apart from that, I've not held any other position at the faculty level.

FATSSSAPRESS: By serving in 100L, you should have appropriate knowledge of the FHR. Help FATSSSAites know the importance of the FHR by briefing us about it.

Idoko Adoyi: The FHR serves as the governing body of FATSSSA, it is at the FHR that the final decisions are made at FATSSSA. The FHR is so organised as to ensure democracy and transparency in the operations of FATSSSA. It's why most of its sittings are plenaries, which means that it is open to everyone's attendance and any FATSSSAite may express his or her view at such sittings.

FATSSSAPRESS: So far since you've been involved in the house of representatives, what has been the major problems over the years?

Idoko Adoyi:: From my experience, I'd say that there are two problems that seem to be the most serious.

The first is enforceability of the resolutions of the House. Sometimes, legislative Houses make resolutions but the resolutions are hardly upheld. This is usually because of the distance between the legislative House and the management when compared to the level of relationship between the executive arm and the management. The second of what I consider the biggest problem is that the congressmen hardly pay attention to the legislature. People do not seem to understand the role of the legislature in the functionality of associations. I guess it's why sittings are hardly attended by congressmen or why people hardly express their problems to their class reps.

FATSSSAPRESS: Who was the last speaker and how would you rate his/her performance?

Idoko Adoyi:: The last speaker of the FHR is Rt. Hon. Adejumo Mayowa.

If I'm to rate Mayowa, I'd rate his performance at 8 out of 10. When one puts into consideration the COVID-19 disruption to everything and then compares that to how relatively smoothly the house ran, I guess that's a very fair rating.

FATSSSAPRESS: Alright sir. But if i remember clearly, i got reports from people that the house was in constant disagreement without a final solution, would you say this is true and if it is what is your input to this?

Idoko Adoyi: Okay, I guess a lot of observers in the house can easily come to this conclusion, and that's understandable. The business of the house, mostly is debate. This means that at every point, someone is always trying to express a different and, maybe, better perspective to an issue.  So yes, it may seem that the house is always in disagreement but in essence, that's the true practice of democracy where different ideas are expressed and the most convincing is eventually agreed upon.

Idoko Adoyi:: As to the belief that sometimes the House doesn't have a final solution, I don't think that's true. Some of the strides that the last assembly of the FHR took are yet to be completed because there is a process to follow and time was short for them. Those uncompleted projects become inherited by the new house and the work continues. When seen like this, I think it's more fair to say that issues are *yet* to be concluded and once the process is complete, they will all have solutions.

FATSSSAPRESS: The constitution is said to have "issues" if i can call it that, and there was a committee set up to see to it but nothing yet has been done concerning the constitution, i stand to be corrected sir. How true is this and what do you know as the hindrance to this amendment?

Idoko Adoyi: There were certain amendment motions moved in the last assembly, bills that went as far as committee stages too, but the House didn't have enough time to conclude on those ''issues'' and so the committees have made their recommendations to this present house to continue from where they stopped.

That, I assure FATSSSAites is exactly what this House is going to do, continue the work.

FATSSSAPRESS: We would agree that every department has to be represented equally, how do you plan to ensure that this session?

Idoko Adoyi: On this, there's already a plan in motion. The vacancies are expected to be filled in the next sitting of the House.

We'd really like to start with a full house that truly represents all of FATSSSA, across all departments.

FATSSSAPRESS: What inspired you to take up this position sir?

Idoko Adoyi: I think I really do love the legislature, and I thought that with my recent experience in executive functioning I could combine all that to contribute meaningfully to the growth of FATSSSA.

Also, very importantly, there were friends who stood by and encouraged me on every step of the way.

FATSSSAPRESS: How would you handle the pressure that comes with handling a whole faculty house? You practically have to listen to a whole lots of sides sir, are you more than capable?

Idoko Adoyi: Chairing a sitting is really a lot, no matter how small the size of the house, and like you said, this house and the size of it's constituencies is quite large.

To manage the house and ensure equal opportunity for all to express themselves and be truly heard, I will follow proper legislative procedures, these are time tested and have proven effective.

FATSSSAPRESS: Can you tell us what you like to do for fun?

Idoko Adoyi: I do watch movies for fun, particularly sci-fi movies.

FATSSSAPRESS: Just movies? No football, Dance, Tennis?

Idoko Adoyi: I exercise regularly and do yoga, I read novels and write too but somehow I've come to consider these as necessities. For now, I think it's just movies that I consider fun.

FATSSSAPRESS: You are in your final year sir, what next after school?

Idoko Adoyi: I have a few things I'm  considering but the most likely is that I'll try my hands on a few entrepreneurial endeavours first.

FATSSSAPRESS: Do you have anything you would want to tell FATSSSA?

Idoko Adoyi: Yes. I'll like to tell all FATSSSAites to get involved in FATSSSA business. Attend sittings to witness how decisions are made in FATSSSA, ask questions about everything and engage your representatives to the FHR. Let our commitment to FATSSSA not end at payment of basic dues but at how that due is spent and why.

FATSSSAPRESS: Thank you sir for this opportunity, it is only right that FATSSSA gets better during your tenure. Thank you sir.

Idoko Adoyi: Thank you Mr. John


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