In this series of Interviews, FATSSSA Press deemed it worthy for  her audience-FATSSSAites to have an early meet-up with the various aspirants for the Executive Offices in the Upcoming Elections.

Its basically a collection of their basic profiles, each one of them; their core motivations and their general idea about the Association's leadership.

The proper quizzing and test of manifestoes comes up on the 20th of October as from 3pm, at the SLT.

See you there!



 "We need to resolve this division, we need to look into the origin of this problem and set in place, the proper measures that will help alleviate this problem in our association".


FATSSSA PRESS: Please introduce yourself in full.

Kayode: I’m Kayode Oreoluwa Ijimakinwa, 300 level Geography, The Faculty of The Social Sciences

FATSSSA PRESS: What has been your contribution to FATSSSA so far?

KAYODE: Well, if you’d permit me to divide my contributions to FATSSSA in terms of bringing prestige to the association and my services to the association. On the first, I was the best student in Academics 100 level in the Faculty of The Social Sciences 2017/18, an award winner in the UI Alumni Awards 2017/18 for the top 2 best students in all faculties in UI and I am part of the Faculty male football team which won gold recently. On the latter,
I served as a Member of FATSSSA Social Committee 2018/19.
I served and am serving as a Tutor for FATSSSA Educational Development Committee 2018/19 and 2020/21.
I’m currently serving as the Clerk of the FATSSSA House of Representatives 2020/21.
I’m the head of 2 House Adhoc Committees - the House Finance and the House Publications committee, the Vice of one - the House Electoral Committee and a member of another - the House Disciplinary committee.

FATSSSA PRESS: Can you then say, all of these have informed your intention to preside over FATSSSA?

KAYODE: Actually, no

FATSSSA PRESS: Why are you contesting?

KAYODE: I’m aspiring to Preside over the Faculty’s Association, to solve problems I’ve seen and studied, and make FATSSSA better and more productive for her members. The highlight of leadership must be the servitude spirit to problem solving.

FATSSSA PRESS: What then do you consider to be the problems of FATSSSA?

KAYODE: There are challenges the association has been facing seasonally for quite some administrations, that past leaders have either not noticed or refused to resolve. You see, FATSSSA is unique because we’re the only faculty that studies social institutions, political institutions, Socio-political problems and are taught to provide intelligent solutions.
We have the advantage over others to practice what we study. Hence, we must be able to ensure that our association is functioning in line with the reasons behind its origin, providing all expected and even more functions within its capacity for its members.
Going further, the apathetic attitude that many have received from the administration operations of Association administrators in the past, has in turn created a sort of division between the administrators and the administered, and even among constituencies of the administered (that is, departments and members of the association).
It is clear, everyone can see it.

FATSSSA PRESS: If elected, do you promise to solve this problem?

KAYODE: That is why the central idea, the theme of my campaign speaks and echos “REFORM AND PRODUCTIVITY”. We need to resolve this division, we need to look into the origin of this problem and set in place, the proper measures that will help alleviate this problem in our association.

FATSSSA PRESS: How much of a competent leader would you consider yourself?

KAYODE: I can boldly say that I am well equipped with the necessary ability, knowledge and skills to successfully lead our Association, Innovative thinking, Integrity, Practicality and Realistic, Proper communication ability, Team-Work Spirit, Learning Agility and many more.

FATSSSA PRESS: As a potential successor of Josiah, what would you do differently?

KAYODE: Quite a lot actually. There needs to be a lot of reformation in the operations of administration. To mention a few, In terms of uniting the association and removing the divisions, In the area of programs, deliberations on what programs to have and communications on these events will be more popular among members of the association. In the area of general administration, the association should fulfill its original mandate as stated in it’s aims when created, and there should be proper education for members

FATSSSA PRESS: What are your agenda for the Association?

KAYODE: My plans all encompass in the central idea and theme of my campaign - REFORM AND PRODUCTIVITY. Some of these I present to be done have actually been attempted by this present administration and even past administrations. Those aspects that Josiah is doing well, I will work on them and make them better. And, those other aspects that he has not attempted well or has been limited in attempting, I will do and do very well with the help of FATSSSAites.
I wouldn’t want a situation where my manifesto is made public before the press night/manifesto night. I am just giving an highlight, a very few of the plans I have in place to make FATSSSA better and more productive. Together, We Can Make FATSSSA Better and More Productive.

FATSSSA PRESS: Is there any factor that can dissuade you from the race?

KAYODE: Except if the clouds form a sentence telling me to leave the race for presidency or the Heavens open and everyone including myself hears a voice asking me to leave the race, there is no factor that can dissuade me from the race. The inspiration for vying for this post is solely to make FATSSSA better. I’ve looked over time at personal gains that may accrue to me, if probably I can relate my inspiration to them, but I’ve not found.

FATSSSA PRESS: How do you describe your opponent?
KAYODE: I’ll describe my opponent as a person of good character, at least that I can observe. We have not related quite much, but I’ll say that he is someone good enough to have as a friend.

FATSSSA PRESS: Your final words to FATSSSAites?

KAYODE: FATSSSA is for us all. There will always be a leader in every group. So, the question we should ask ourselves is “who will lead us?”
I have studied our association. I have identified the problems and I’m proposing necessary, intelligent and realistic plans that will make the association better and progressive, and in turn be beneficial to us all.
However, these plans can not see the light of day without the support of all FATSSSAites. Come out and vote on election day, together, We Can Make FATSSSA Better and More Productive.

Thanks for your time. We'll meet on Wednesday


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