
     Exclusive Interview With Mojoyinola Ojikutu

                  ByYanmife Otegbeye

On this edition of exclusives, Fatsssa Press decided to have a chat with , Miss Mojoyinola Ojikutu. She was very open and willing to share, this was one interview we didn’t want to end. Enjoy reading.

Mife🪶: Can you please introduce yourself?

M J: My name is Mojoyinola Ojikutu Ewenla a 400 level student major in sociology, university of Ibadan.

Mife🪶: What is your Educational Background like?

M J: Oh,nursery and primary school was Oritamefa Baptist primary school,Ibadan,Oyo state. While secondary school went to a all girls secondary school OUR LADY of apostles Odo-ona Ibadan,Oyo state.

Mife🪶: So why Sociology amongst other courses in social sciences?

M J: To be honest not really I first filled in for economics during my Cambridge A level while in the process of preparing for the examination I discovered I had developed interest in sociology In which I had three course to take for the exam which was economics,business and sociology. So I had to collect change of course form to change it to sociology I’m glad I did it’s more like I was destined to be in sociology department.

Mife🪶: Hmm nice, Are you the business oriented kind of person, if yes tell us about your business?

M J: I’m a fashion designer,event planner,content creator  and i influence for big brands.

Mife🪶: Wow, at what point did Mojoyinlo evolve into this, I.e at what point did the business world started getting your attention ?

M J: Since when I was in secondary school basically I started by selling (coded)fried coconut chips to my classmates in jss 2 in which I took advantage of the coconut tree in my compound and it was easy because I was the class captain then.After that by ss1 I took interest in fashion designing.

Mife🪶: Wow, how then do you tend to balance school stress and business stress

M J: Well honestly it’s knowing how to balance and do the right thing at the right time. Student say they don’t have much time but in the real sense have time to watch movies,gist or press phone all day.  Those free time I decide to be productive with them. That’s how I’m able to balance up sometimes. Although I can’t dispute the fact I procrastinate I have my days sometimes it’s normal.

Mife🪶: In 7 word describe Mojoyinola

M J: Kind, a goal getter, a dreamer, energetic, result oriented, motivated and ambitious.

Mife🪶: If you were to change something about yourself, what would that be?

M J: To be honest nothing is coming to my mind now but what I know is I honestly want to be better than the woman I was yesterday day by day allowing myself to be my only competition.

Mife🪶: You seem more of an independent and ambitious lady, what is your take on relationship and marriage, you feel these can truncate your dreams and aspirations?

M J: Thank you for noticing that 🙏Marriage is a very big word and very important decision one as to make in ones life. Your partner can bring you up and bring you down it all depends on if you let them. That’s why in most cases make sure your partner grow with you mentally,spiritual and financially very important.

Mife🪶: Now that you are in your final year, do you plan using sociology as a means of livelihood?

M J: I can’t say for now but I know the future is bright.

Mife🪶: Ok, your parting words to fellow fashion designers , sociologist and every ambitious lady out there?

M J: They should aim high,be consistent,brave, set mind blowing goals, be differently unique and most importantly be confident. Also things would mdefinitely not go as planned but they should always remember how and why they started. Challenges brings experience and they should embrace it when that time comes which might produce growth it depends on decisions made.

Mife🪶: Wow thanks for your time MJ this was really inspiring

M J: Thanks you for having me I’m honored.


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