On the 12th October, 2021, the FATSSSA week titled ‘Invicta’ continued with the games day that included games like; Scrabble, Chess, PES, Table Tennis, Ludo and the Dean’s cup final football match. The games unofficially started by 11:20am and it never officially started.
The faculty administration was able to produce a television screen and two laptops for playing PES and FIFA with a Play station for the Television Screen, Two chess boards, a scrabble board, a ludo board and a table tennis. They were provided to keep members of the faculty who weren’t interested in attending the football match entertained. The games were played by individuals and not like an intra-faculty competition.
The female football game finals played by the Psychology and Geography teams kicked off at 12:27pm. The first half of the game ended in a tie as none of the teams were able to score a goal against their opponents. At 12:54 the second half started and 5 minutes later a goal is scored from the psychology team. By the time the final whistle is blown the score is 1-0 with the psychology team taking the lead and the victory.
The male football game finals played by the Psychology and Geography teams kicked off at 1:54pm. The first half ended with the score 2-1 with the geography team taking the lead. At the second half the two teams found themselves in a 4-4 tie and had to head into penalty to get a clear winner. At the penalty the score is 3-1 with geography taking the lead and leaving two-time defending champions psychology as the vanquished.
The day proved to an eventful and memorable day for all FATSSSAites. It seemed like there was a little something for everyone to enjoy with the exception of refreshments. All in all the day was well spent.
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