
 Exclusive Interview with Miss Mega-Fortune, Financial Secretary of Fatsssa

 Fatsssa Press had an exclusive dicsussion with Miss Megafotune, the Financial secretary of Fatsssa and a business owner. We are sure you will love it. Enjoy!

By George Miracle, Boluwatife Adeyemo and Adelere Mayokun

Pressmen: First and foremost, your interest to run came to many as a kind of surprise. Now I'm talking about how it played out early last year. It seemed you came rather late into the race. Why was this so, if we may ask? And what were the core motivations which moved you to contest?

Fin Sec: So it has always been my dream and passion to serve in the faculty and one thing is that I love calculations generally and I wanted to do economics at first but it didn't work out and yeah at some point I started questioning if I really wanted to go for it then or wait till 400level and seeking the face of the Lord in prayer and also some of my friends, although it was late, God said I should go so I had to follow his will, but I'm happy I went for it especially from the campaign, it thought me to stay strong even right now it has taught me to work with other people.

Pressmen: What gave you the motivation to serve in the faculty? I mean what gave you the zeal?

Fin Sec: Thank you very much for the question, like I said earlier I wanted to serve in the faculty, it has always been my passion. I just wanted to be part of the driving force in the faculty, I also had the support of people who shared my dream and saw the potential in me.

Pressmen: Before we proceed, can you introduce yourself and let fatssaite know more about you?

Fin Sec: My name is Mega-Fortune, a 300l student of the Faculty of the Social Sciences, I am a girl, I love music, I love to dance, I am a lover of God, I love sports: I used to play lawn tennis but I recently developed interest in volleyball, I love meeting new people, making new friends, I love to smile and bring joy to people's faces. I also love leaving good impression with people, I am the CEO of True wears(A clothing brand), 3rd of 5 children. People call me FATSSSA's Fortune and I love it. I am single and my birthday is on the 7th of October and gifts are very much welcome.

Pressmen: You said you have always had an interest and passion in finance and you want to make a change in finance. Since you have been the financial secretary in FATSSSA, have you made any change in the finance or as the financial secretary has there been any changes you have made so far?

Fin Sec: Well yes I can say that I have brought change but let me not say I alone but the whole team we brought change. One major thing that we did was to record a very high number of people who paid dues, it was part of my manifesto to make sure that dues were paid on time because it was one major issue they had last tenure, even with the online classes in first semester, we recorded a high number of people paying at that time and even later on during physical classes people have still been paying. Also, our accounts are up to date and accurate. So yes, there has been changes in the financial aspect of the faculty.

Press men: Ok. Then how has it been in general, running, winning and holding office, plus dealing with your basic students demands. Reading and passing exams basically. How have you been able to combine all of these?

Fin Sec: Thank you so much for the question, so yes winning made me very happy and I'm very grateful to those who supported me I love you all so much. It was a thing of yes I wanted to win but I was scared if I was really going to win and I won and I'm still grateful. Holding office and still being a student, well I won't lie when we started virtually, it was still easy because planning and classes was solely virtual, but when we  resumed I had to make sure to collect cash from students, make sure account is up to date, having to deal with different meetings , it was really demanding but it was what I signed up for. Thank God for his wisdom and help because it wasn't really smooth but I thank God and the executives of the Faculty, it's a team of connected minded people, it's been a family of Love so far so good. Reading and having to deal with academics hasn't really been a major problem because  I remember on the day of our inauguration thy told us it's our academics first and it wasn't really that hard for me, everything was planned for me from classes to the office to the hostel to read. Holding a position in FATSSSA hasn't really stopped my academics but it has really been fair and less stressful.

But to answer the question of combining all of these, I will say it's been the Grace and wisdom of God guiding me and also the supportive family of excecutives I have been blessed with.

Pressmen: What other things do u do aside studying, if we may ask. Are u into business? Do u have a personal brand that we may know of?

Fin Sec: Thank you very much for the question, yes I have my own  business, I have a tee-shirt fashion brand we sell plain and customised tee-shirts, I also  sell Jean jackets and varsity jackets hopefully we will expand soon. The name of the brand is TRUE WEARS

Pressmen: Thank you very much ma, how do you mix your business with your position as a financial secretary and also your academics? How do you also balance your finance flow as a financial secretary and also in your business

Fin Sec: Thank you for this question, like I said, balancing hasn't really an issue for me, it's been God's Grace, I tell you when God is involved life go balance so I have learnt to involve God in everything, I don't spend 24hours in the faculty and classes are not  8hours straight so I have time to resume to my work and also read, although when I first started, it was a bit tough but like I said the Grace of God helped me. And with the issue of balancing accounts my business has it's account and the faculty has its own account so there isn't really any mix-up from any account, if there's cash dues we go to the bank and pay to faculty account while my money goes to my business account, so no issues with balancing.

Pressmen: We want to ask about your relationship with the Executives. Rumour heard there was a time you were not on the same page with some of them. Is this true? And what was the nature of the conflict at then?

Fin Sec: What does rumour not has? Rumor has it everywhere but like I said, coming into office, having to work with different people, different minds, different personalities, different perspectives wasn't easy and it wasn't a perfect start-up. We all had our differences and we eventually came to an understanding and I can say so far so good, my relationship with the executives has been wonderful. I mean, these are people I have learnt from, I have learnt leadership, selflessness and even love. There is no nature of conflict whatsoever, we had our differences which was sorted out.

Pressmen: From your role as the holder of the Association's financial records, is it true to claim that fatssssaites' turnout in payment of dues this session has been the highest recorded in recent years? To the best of your knowledge how will you gauge the rate of the payments so far?

Fin Sec: Turnup for dues has been great, I don't know if it is the highest but it is by far one of the highest. I also want to implore FATSSSAITES that have not paid to please pay up. And lastly, thank you so much FATSSSAITES for the turn up so far.

Pressmen: Thank you very much for your time ma.


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