Bathing in the rain
Throwing your teeth on the roof
Eating in a mortal
Ensuring a lizard doesn't see the space left by a
removed tooth
The moment you realized all this were fallacies, you
drew a bold line between superstition and reality.
"It’s a lie jor, it's logically erroneous.
These people have come again with their superstitions" that was my neighbor,
Jade Sola's reaction to a local chief accusing her of allowing Darcy her
daughter play in the rain
Anyways, I don't have a problem with that, but
permit me to ask you, "What do you think of Superstitions?"
Invariably, if it's not logical, it's superstitious,
is that true of what you think?
Jadesola here had long drawn a bold line between
superstition and reality.
But Jadesola's facial expression would be an
understatement if interpreted as shocked, when right in her presence, the
whirlwind rolled into the sky and then out of sight her little Darcy. Trust me,
she went insane.
"The wind would drop her somewhere close by, just
pray you find her safe and sound" one of the elders said. Reality.
So, again, are realities mere experienced
superstitions, or are superstitions misconceptualized realities? Maybe after
all there's not a bold line between reality and superstition.
What do you think?
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