Michael Oluwaponmile (fondly called Oyomesi, Mipon, My brother...) is a 500 level student of Wood Product Engineering in the University of Ibadan. He is popularly known on campus for his hunting prowess having killed over 200 bush animals on campus; in this exclusive interview with Kayode Oyeniran of FATSSSA Press Organisation, he shares his hunting experience and how he has been able to commercialise his passion.

“…you can ask them in Kuti, I kill these snakes with slippers.” –Michael
“I have killed two other snakes with slippers to the extent that people think I am using charms to kill those animals. But, it is not about charm, it is about bravery.” - Michael
“So, it depends on how much time I have on a weekly basis. Like this week now, I made like #5,000.” - Michael

Can I meet you sir?
My name is Abraham Michael Oluwaponmile, aka Oyomesi, Mipon; popularly known as my brother in Kuti Hall of Great Men, University of Ibadan.

What course are you studying?
I am studying Wood Product Engineering, Faculty of Technology.

I understand that aside the fact that you are a student of the University of Ibadan, you also engage in other activities particularly hunting; can you share your experience with me?

I have so many experiences concerning this hunting, I have gone to the Polytechnic before and I entered UI through Direct Entry (DE). Since my entry into UI, I have started this hunting. I have great passion for hunting and I have experienced so many things, but I would like to tell you how I came about hunting. When I was younger, I stayed with my grandpa in the village then and he used to take me to the bush whenever he wanted to set traps. Then, I felt this thing is so stressful not knowing that it will be beneficial to me at this level. So, I started with traps, that open and close trap when I came into UI. I started setting traps; at times I catch three pouched rats, at times two and sometimes more. Initially, I hunted occasionally but as time went on I expanded this hunting activity by getting more traps and increased the level of my hunting activity. With that upgrading, the kind of animals that I killed changed from pouched rats to alligator. Although, I was still killing pouched rats known as okete in Yoruba, I increased the level of my killings to include pouched rats, squirrel, alligators, and other rats that belong to the rodent family. I killed so many things to the point that my friends come to my hostel to come and eat bush meats till they are satisfied. But, I want you to remember this word of God that says: whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with all your might... So, why I am saying this is that, this hunting stuff, I didn't know the benefit; don't forget I told you I started this hunting since 200level. There is a particular man in UI, the PRO of the University of Ibadan. There was a day he came to my hostel, he comes to Kuti once in while; and I want you to know that it is good to be friendly, to be a man of everybody. I've related with Porters in Kuti and they all know me, the popularity is too much. So, when the UI PRO came to Kuti, he was telling the Porters that there are alligators in his house and that his children are afraid. That was how those Porters told him we have a hunter in Kuti. And he said I want to see that guy and he sent one Porter to me but I didn't answer at that. So, he sent another Porter to me and I answered and went to see him. I went to set the trap in his house briefly because of time. The following morning, the trap caught an alligator. Four days later, the same trap I set for alligator caught a black mamba. Daddy was so surprised and flabbergasted; he took the picture and sent it to the VC of the University of Ibadan with the caption: killed by a UI student, department of so so... And that was how I started relating with the great people in UI, I have relationship with so many Professors in University of Ibadan all because of my hunting stuff. I have so many things to say but I cannot say them now. But, I am proud of what I am doing as a hunter, this hunting has connected me to where I cannot even dream of two years to this time, and I thank God...

Mr. Abraham, from your experience so far, Can you tell me, at what point did you feel you should commercialise your passion?

Initially, when I started this hunting stuff, I used to give it out to people free of charge, I didn’t know, I just felt it was normal, and I have given more than 50 pouched rats (okete) to people. So, until… Let me tell you that poverty is not the end, so if you undergo anything, maybe you lack money, it will just teach you a lesson. I didn’t believe this statement before until a point came that I was totally broke and that was when the wisdom came into my brain. I prepared a pouched rat one day and roasted it. I put a price tag on it, I sold it for #700 then, and someone bought it. Upon tasting the meat, he person said he will like to buy for his neighbor, the third day he also bought for his neighbor. So, that was how I started selling until it became expanded and commercially endowed to the extent that people are now booking for it now. People are giving me money ahead; even if I kill hundred pouched rats today, people that are ready to buy are available already.

In your hunting expeditions, can you say particularly or guess the number of bush animals you have killed?

I can, because I used to count them. I counted them in 200level, 300level but when they were more than I could count, I stopped. When I stopped counting pouched rats then, it was 289 that I killed, I have the record; any animal I kill, I take the picture and everything is on my system. I take the picture and send to my system for future purpose. For alligator which is not really an alligator; these reptile look alike, we have alligator, monitor lizard and crocodile. There is the misconception, people call monitor lizard an alligator and they call crocodile an alligator, they are very different. There is no crocodile in this UI environment apart from Zoological garden. But, all the things I kill, people call them alligators, but they are monitor lizards… I have killed about 96 alligators; 2 grass cutters (they are not easy to get); giant rats, I killed like 113; I have killed squirrel, they are not many because they are sharp, I have not killed more than squirrels. And then, I have killed snake; the snakes I have killed in UI, they are six, black mamba, green snake. Apart from the one I killed with trap, the black mamba, you can ask them in Kuti, I kill these snakes with slippers. There was a particular day I was passing my room to the tap to fetch water, when I was going I met with those cleaners and they were running away and scared. I said what is it? They said come and see snake; I didn’t have any mind of meeting any snake on the way and I was not with any object that I could use to kill it, so I immediately removed the slippers from leg and hit it with it and killed it; I have killed two other snakes with slippers to the extent that people think I am using charms to kill those animals. But, it is not about charm, it is about bravery.

On a weekly basis, can you estimate how much you make?

It varies; you know as I am doing my hunting business, I cannot let it affect my academic activities. For example, when I was doing my 400level Industrial Training, I had enough time to hunt, I was not disturbed by any school activity—the thought of how to go to class was not on my mind then. So, it depends on how much time I have on a weekly basis. Like this week now, I made like #5,000.

How do you see yourself leaving UI, do you see yourself keeping on with this hunting business or would you say you would use your degree as an engineer?

I believe everything is in the hands of God, but it is also good for a man to have plans. You know, man proposes but God disposes. All these things I am doing in UI, I am thinking that as far as I am in UI, I will be doing this. And then when I am no longer in UI, anything that comes my way when I finish… it is less than a year for me to graduate from UI. So, when I finish my programme in UI, for example, during my NYSC if they post me to a place where there is no bush meat or something like that, you know I cannot continue with it, but if I still find any place that can allow me to hunt, if I find any place I can use the opportunity like that of UI—I will still continue. If not, to God be the Glory, I believe my destiny is in the hands of God.

Who are your customers presently?

They are Professors, students, business owners in Kuti and not only in Kuti, even in Bello. They know me in various hostels because if someone buys a meat from me today, such person will tell another person that see the bush meat, it makes sense.  Even you yourself will like it if you see the roasted bush meat; I post some on my WhatsApp status, people comment that they like it, *smiles*. So, my customers are many, they are not limited to Profs alone any kind of people.


  1. Wahoo ,My Great friend ,I remember you do talk about Farm produce when we are in The polytechnic Ibadan ,I never knew you can kill several Animal ,I pray God will continue to increase you in knowledge in Jesus name

  2. Well done Mipon. I remember the days of little beginning in Kuti Hall B20. I am glad you have taken this to a higher level. God bless your prowess and skills. Be great. Xièxiè nî


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