Editorial: Welcome to the all-new administration

With the new session are myriad of plans reeled out by actors in this academic journey. Undoubtedly, by now some students have their reading timetables and academic targets for the session set. It is no different case, as the leadership of the Faculty of the Social Sciences Students’ Association (FATSSSA) have not only given their blueprint for this administration, they have also hit the ground running and have set things on motion. Hence, you are welcome to the all-new administration; perhaps, it is time to start keeping tabs with the workings of our leaders and we should expect nothing short of the best.

The history of every administration is usually defined by the caliber of people who serve in such administration. Since the inauguration of the leadership of this present administration it has been shades of novel ideas, new thinking and commendable innovative actions. The indelible impact team has begun this administration by charting a new course of history. Over the years, organs and organisations of the association have related primarily on mutual distrust. Important programmes and policies tabled before the house by the executives have been allowed to drag unnecessarily and honourable members have been witch hunted. To say the least, there have been clampdowns on the Press too by disgruntled elements.

However, in a bid to change the narrative and to ensure proper workings of all the organs and organisations of the association and to create a lasting relationship between office holders in the association, the executive council over the weekend organised a leadership retreat. The retreat which had in attendance members of the executive council, honourable members of the FATSSSA House of Representatives (FHR), departmental Presidents, the President of the Literary and Debating Society (L & D) and the Editor-in-chief of FATSSSA Press Organisation saw warm interactions, games and activities geared towards fostering unity and sense of collective responsibility in the participants.
Worthy of note is that the leadership retreat is a novel idea of this current administration and speakers and fellow students have given this administration notable credit for this ingenious idea. Some have even called for occasional meetings such as this. Indeed, the implication of such friendly interactions of various office holders across organs and organisations of the association is far-reaching and will in no little way ensure that serving individuals see themselves as partners in progress regardless of the constituency they represent.

You are also welcomed to the ‘hallowed’ chamber of the Faculty of the Social Sciences Students’ Association (FATSSSA) where time should now be of essence to everyone. Mr. Speaker, Rt. Hon. Williams Ugwaju has given his word—‘none of our sittings will exceed 4hours.’ We should not hesitate to hold him by his words. However, there is a need to draw into perspective the history of house sittings in the last three years in order to understand the statement of the Speaker.
On August 5, 2017, it was reported by the FATSSSA Press Organisation of a sitting that lasted for about 8 hours. Considering the peculiar realties then—the gross misappropriation of the association funds, there were reasons to debate for such long hours. However, this is not to say that issues were not unnecessarily over flogged and frivolities taking the front banner. Essentially, many have argued that that has been the hallmark of the many long hours of sittings of the FHR.

However, notable development in the last sitting which held on June 28, 2019 which was also the first sitting of the house for the session was the strict adherence to time and the avoidance of time wasting arguments. For the first time in a while the sitting lasted for about 2 hours 30 minutes which some have argued the sitting to be one of the most short and precise in a while.

The Press will not stop to keep watch on this administration hence, It is therefore important to note that while the Speaker has given his words on the house sittings not exceeding 4 hours, he should also ensure to give room for intelligent and critical debating of issues while also ensuring to cut down on frivolities in the house. Perhaps the ‘hallowedness’ of this current house will somewhat lie in how well it can uphold the tenets of fairness and justice. The executive council should not forget that somehow FATSSSAites are more hopeful than before; hence, their hopes should be met with concrete actions. All other organisations including the Press and the Literary and Debating Society should also be on their toes, in the end, the success of this administration will depend on the success of individual organs and organisations of this association.

All Correspondence (rejoinders inclusive) should be directed to the Editor-In-Chief via:fatsssapress@gmail.com or 2348100048641
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