Life is intentional. Active participation in politics in this University is one of the best decisions I made. - Colossus

By Tobi Peter

John Akinloye ADELEKE (aka Colossus) is a final year student of the department of Sociology who once represented his class at the FATSSSA House of Representatives (FHR) in his first year. He served as the Assistant General Secretary (AGS) of the Faculty of the Social Sciences Students' Association (FATSSSA) in the 2016/2017 academic session; he is currently the President of the FATSSSA. He finds joy in solving problems and stirring positive changes.  In this interview with TOBI PETER, John reflects on his plan to stir positive changes and his expedition into campus politics. He talks about the plans of the executive council for the coming session, the online form being circulated across departments and levels in the faculty and other issues.

How did you come about the name Colossus, what is the story behind it?

Well... Colossus as a word is a product of my early journey into historical literary works. I encountered the word, read more about it and fell in love with it. I coined it into my 2go username then (jcollozzuz01) and the name stuck ever since. I still do love the name.

A reader, very good! You mentioned that you love stirring positive change and Robert Greene in his book "48 Laws of Power" said "preach change but don't change too much or the people would hate or kill you" how do you know when positive change  is dangerous and where to draw the line?

Thank you. First, the positivity of change is relative. It depends on those concerned and of course the perspective you are looking at it. Also, changing for better comes with courage and wisdom. Life always comes with its twists and turns. Wisdom is profitable

Okay. Please mention one or two of the literary works that you have read that struck you the most?

This is a difficult one. But of recent, I admire the depth of 'Autobiography of Maxcolm X as told by Alex Haley' and Trevor Noah's 'Born a crime'. They are great works I enjoy reading over and over

You are reputed to have love for politics, how did you develop this love?

I can't really state emphatically how I started developing affection for politics but I think my environment and socialisation process played significant roles. Nevertheless, over time, I realised that politics is the best platform to create societal good that will have impact on the life of many. Politics is the nucleus of human interaction. It's a creative compromise and not a dirty game as notion suggests.

You are now president of the FATSSSA, did you always dream of going into politics especially University politics or was it something that happened along the way?

Life is intentional. Active participation in politics in this University is one of the best decisions I made. Beyond the euphoria of getting an Ibadan degree, I have and still picking up experiences and valuable skills. I'm keen on becoming a total person and prioritising my personal development. I was intentional about it. It has been helping to pick up leadership and communication skills that are indispensable in today's competitive world.

Your predecessor, Ayomide Faith OMITOYIN (Kafu) was famed for his commitment, first of all, what can you say about him that most people don't know, Secondly, don't you think his performance would put you under pressure, if so how do you intend to cope with such pressure and how do you cope with pressure generally?

My relationship with our immediate past President is beyond being my predecessor. He is my friend. Well, most people may not know that he has a heart that beat for others, particularly those within his circle. That aside, I'm not under any undue pressure whatsoever. As a person, I appreciate their sacrifices for the soul of our association. We are committed to raising the bar.

Still speaking of Kafu, you served as his campaign manager when he was contesting for the seat you now occupy, what did you learn from him as a person and what did your role as a campaign manager teach you?

I'm not fit to be called his campaign manager. He ran a democratic campaign, everyone was involved. Yes, I supported his candidacy. Not his only, every political campaign has always taught me not to sacrifice the ethos of 'omoluabi' for anything. I always emphasise that we are one irrespective of where we intend to pitch our tent.

Also would I be right to say that it was during this period that the seed of Presidency was sown in you?

Not really, the passion has always been there. But in all sincerity, coming back to serve FATSSSA was not the plan, but circumstances which are public knowledge made me to come and serve this association that is so dear to me.

Campaigns and elections are over, it is time to get your hands dirty; what are your plans?

True. Though, we started work immediately we were declared elected but the real work stated after our inauguration. All members of the executive council are already at work. We intend to build capacity while enjoying our stay in this faculty. Like I said during the campaigns, the first thing we did after the election was to harmonise our plans. With this we have a plan of action already, with timelines. Our focus is the secretariat, welfare, projects, human capital development, socials, sports among others. We are also taking advantage of this holiday to reach out for support and consolidate on the association's network. FATSSSAites should expect extraordinary things by God's grace and your unflinching support.

The constitution has been amended, what is your take on the amendment and are there any amendments or changes that jump at you or catch your fancy?

I've taken time to study the amended document. I salute the efforts of the review committee. The implementation and strict adherence to its provisions by all officers of the association is my greatest concern. If any part does not meet up with reality again, we won't hesitate to sponsor bill for the amendment of such part. We are making progress.

Still on the constitution, the first time Kafu tried to get students to voice their opinion on what they wanted to change in the constitution immediately after the inter departmental debate in the faculty, only  a handful of students remained, a shocking thing, the date had to be shifted. Why do you think the students did not show much interest initially for something that concerns them especially when power was given to them to shape their destinies?

Like you said I think the timing and the consciousness of students.

There is a form going around on various groups which states students are to fill it for FATSSSA to serve them better. What is it about and what are the benefits of filling this form?

The form is important for us to serve FATSSSAites better. Data is important in decision making. Also, part of the secretarial efforts is to have a reliable and up-to-date database of members of the association. This will help in communication, quality representation and service. We implore everyone to fill it.

What are your plans to raise more minds like you in the faculty?

Sincerely, I do not have plans on raising people to be like me. I'm only committed to raising people who will be themselves. We have put plans in place to reinforce self-discovery because the best you can be is you.

It is a known fact that the governments of students’ associations in the university have scandals over them like the dew of heaven, which makes the relationship with lecturers and university authorities more complicated than before; how do you plan to navigate this and what piece or pieces of advice would give Presidents like you especially those who are in very complicated situations because of the nature of the scandals that occurred before their administration?

Well... We have had unfortunate incidents in the past. We must forge ahead. The posture of a leader as regard character is very important. I will advise my colleagues to leverage on performance and integrity in projecting their association in good light. Also, leader, lead thyself first.

What do you think about the new logo of FATSSSA?

Personally, I think it is lovely. It gives a unique identity unlike the previous one that is a fusion of departmental associations logos. Let me also use this opportunity to explain the idea behind it. The blue and orange represents the faculty colour. The group, that is people's totem represents people's coexistence in the society, no one would live in isolation. The skull represents reasoning (science) and different thoughts are gathered to proffer solutions to problems confronting humanity. The globe symbolises that peoples coexistence and reasoning are inseparable.

Let us come to political apathy, how do you plan to make people buy into FATSSSA or Politics?

Yes. To a large extent, we intend make everyone involved in the affairs of FATSSSA. We intend to do this through constant interaction platforms and accessibility. We have some programs in place for this purpose. Let's keep our fingers crossed... Lol

Mr. President, I love to win, I know you are a winner too, how do you plan to assist the L&D of the faculty so that they can win the "the world cup of debate" i.e the jaw war for social sciences in your tenure?

Like we will do to other organs of the association, we will give the Literary and debating society our support. Good to know, unlike before now, the society (L&D) is now recognized by our constitution and statutory allocation as well. I'm in talks with the leadership of the society to see how we can do better in competitions. The Social Sciences L&D has done it before and by the grace of God, we will do it again.

What are your plans for FATSSSA Press?

Well use every legitimate means to ensure the independence of the Press. We will give our support as circumstances require.

What do you want to be remembered for when you leave office?

I'm not a fan of complex equation; I want to be remembered as a little short boy that gave himself totally to the service of his people.

Do you plan to go into politics on the bigger stage, i.e. on the Nigerian stage?

If what you mean by going into politics is contesting elective position and joining political party, I've not decided on that yet. Because, in a way, my hope in the salvation of this country is fluctuating, so to speak. I will be more interested and committed to building my career than participating actively in Nigerian politics.

Let me take you back a little, don't you think you can contribute your quota to the salvation of the Nigerian state by contesting elective positions?

I can contribute my quota. That's why it's just a quota. We all have our roles to play in saving this nation. And one does not need to contest to contribute that quota. It starts from how we treat those around us and basic civic responsibilities. The problem of this country is multifaceted; it takes a whole system change over a period of time. Of course, we need good hearted leaders to prepare the ground for the change in system.

What words of advice do you have for people who want to be the next colossus, the next FATSSSA President and students of the faculty in general?

To those that will be interested in being the President of FATSSSA someday, their reason for aspiring shouldn't be mere personal aggrandisement. They should identity problems and come up with workable plans in solving them.

To Greatest FATSSSAites, if at all you are losing hope in our nation, do not lose hope in yourself. There is a lot you can achieve as a person and a lot more when you're in good company. Don't be deterred. Keep upholding good values and believe me, Las Las, Everybody go dey alright.

Hmm! you are very philosophical, how essential is philosophy to life, you know we (Sociology students) do not actually study philosophy, except you are studying Political Science, hence, a lot of students might be asking what is my business with philosophy and how does  it concern me?

Baba, you don dey whine me ooo. Anyways, Philosophers are thinkers and one cannot overemphasise the importance of critical thinking in any discipline. Philosophy is life in itself, it is the oasis of ideas and as you know, ideas rule the world. Nevertheless, we should not be thinkers alone, we need to act. We shouldn't just acquire knowledge; we should master the skill of ruthless execution.

John Adeleke, its a pleasure to spend time  with you, I am  confident that anytime we need  you at FATSSSA Press, you would always make yourself available; is there  anything  you would like to say to the press?

Thank you very much. Definitely, I'm available, always. I wish you the best and don't forget to always promote truth and objectivity. Lots of love from this end.


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