
Citizens of the republic of FATSSSA, it might had come as a surprise to many of us when we read in the resolution of the FHR in its last sitting that the president of our great association Mr. Faith Ayomide Omitoyin aka Kafu alongside three members of the executive council had been suspended.
For the advantage of those of us that have not read the resolution, here is a snippet:
“The House noticed that there was some misappropriation of funds from the Executive arm  and the Finance ad-hoc committee  investigated and gave a feedback on the issue. In the report, it was disheartening to bring to our awareness that the sum of #142,000 was found missing
It was discovered also that the following Executive officers pleaded guilty of this shady act and their names includes
Mr. Omitoyin Faith (Kafu) The President of FATSSSA
Mr. Adekunle David, The Treasurer of FATSSSA
Mr. Adeniran Samuel, The Sports Director of FATSSSA
The house declared an indefinite suspension for the following Executives who was found guilty of misappropriation of funds and they are as follows.
Mr. Omitoyin Faith (Kafu) for misappropriating the sum of #55,800
Mr. Adekunle David for misappropriating the sum of #46,570
Mr. Adeniran Samuel for misappropriating the sum of #40,000
And Mr. Omole Micheal, the Financial Secretary of FATSSSA was also suspended for negligence of duty, that is, his failure to account for the sum of #142,370 that left his office
And that their issues should be reported to the appropriate authorities with immediate effect.”
Fellow FATSSSAites, many people drew some sharp conclusions from this resolution but of all the statements one was beautifully brutal;
“Kafu has Janglased our money”
To some FATSSSAites it was like watching a replay of the last administration when over a million naira was taken from the association’s purse. This singular act of Janglasism denied FATSSSAites of package, dinner and some other activities. Although painful, the combination of all these losses were not as great as the embarrassment and deflation of dignity that FATSSSAites faced at that time in this great citadel of learning and even beyond.
So, imagine something like that playing out again,
“Rara ooo” “Kafu dare not Janglas our money”
Dearest citizens of FATSSSA, we cannot afford another year of not having dinner or not getting package or enduring endless taunts from roommates and friends in other faculties, we must confront this issue.
On Monday October 8 the executive council released a statement that has circulated as far as the resolution in an even shorter time, explaining in details the issue surrounding the disappearance of #142,370 from FATSSSA purse.
The executive council probably in an attempt to clear its name and solidify their integrity and stand with FATSSSAites saw the need to release such a detailed statement.
The press has also conducted some background investigation and interviews on the issue at hand and we can categorically state that neither party was totally right none were they wrong. The parties here are the FATSSSA executive council and the FATSSSA House of Representatives.
The FHR did a good job in following up the account and bringing to the notice of FATSSSAites and stakeholders of the association the state of the FATSSSA purse but we would all agree that the intensity of the words used in its resolution to describe the situation were too strong.
No member of the executive council had any right whatsoever to touch FATSSSA purse for any business other than FATSSSA business.
Although quite a percentage of the money was used for FATSSSA business, it was done without authorization by the FHR.
The deed is done, a large percentage of the money has been returned and damage has been done. It would take more than a statement from the executive council to have the 100% trust and backing of FATSSSAites

Greatest FATSSSAites,the record has been set straight by the executive council, Kafu did not Janglas our money but if those underneath one does wrong, it is the leader that would be held responsible and accountable first.
It is our wish that the remaining amount of money be refunded in time.

All Correspondence (rejoinders inclusive) should be directed to the Editor-In-Chief via:fatsssapress@gmail.com or 2348143109890
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