FHR SITTING 14/07/18


 -The FHR approved 3,080 naira for the office of the Financial Secretary against 9,700 that he presented as budget after thorough questioning and trimming.

-The total amount of 6,435 naira was approved for the offices of the Assistant General Secretary as against 6,950 naira presented in the budget

-24,750 naira was approved for the office of the Vice-president.

-14,750 naira for the office of the Public Relations Officer from 53,000 naira presented in his budget.

-For the office of the Treasurer, 14,300 naira was approved

- The budget of the office of the President: 38,500 naira was passed

-Incurred cost of 6,850 naira was approved for the house

-Office of the speaker’s budget of 18,700 naira was also passed

-26,260 naira was approved by the house for the office of the clerk

-18,160 being 2% of the basic dues was approved for the FATSSSA press Organization for 2017/2018 Academic session

-Hon. Folakemi Obatola representing Sociology 100 level was inaugurated as a member of the house.

- The recent development of Economics students that paid FATSSSA dues demanding for a refund was also discussed. The house reached a decision that principal officers of the association would meet with the Dean and concerned officials of both faculties to resolve this issue.

-The need for a constitutional review was pointed out and the house promised to look into it.

-Both governing arms of the association i.e. the executive council and the legislative arm agreed that there is a need for the FATSSSA judicial council,FJC. The house would look into that also.
-“If previous administrations could eat rice -at every sitting, we should be aware that previous administrations paid 1800 or 2000  naira as dues compared to 1000 we are paying in this administration. We are not here to eat, we are here to serve”- Hon. Akinde Sociology 300 Level

-“Hear me very clearly, if you like you can eat snacks. Me, I won’t take snacks because I know I am working earnestly to make sure things work in this faculty, so don’t tell me to eat snacks” – Hon. Arije John Paul Geography 400 Level

-“Madam Speaker, you saying you want to contact the Honourables for sitting are not your constitutional duties, ma. You communicate to them through the office of the clerk.”    - President, Mr. Faith Ayomide Omitoyin

-“My office is one of the most active offices in the faculty”
-Financial Secretary, Mr. Omole Michael.

-''The office of the vice-president will give each departments 2500 to cater for tutors’ refreshments for the whole session. This amount of money would be given to the various departmental vice-presidents."
Vice-president, Ms.Odili Elizabeth

"I could remember two years ago when I came to observe the FHR then I was in 100 level. Mr. President was the clerk then and I remember that when they were leaving the house then they were given something and Mr. President actually collected it with all alacrity and antiquity."
                           -Hon Clerk, Hon. Stephen Onyejegbu 400 level Psychology    
“Madam speaker, let any of the principal officers who I served with in 100 level be contacted, I have never collected sitting allowance. I cannot allow the fact that I am now president someone should say something against me. I made my allowance a contribution back to the association”.
                                           - President, Mr. Faith Ayomide Omitoyin


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