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Long ago, before this breed of demigods of impunity arrived our erstwhile ordered social enclave of high values and superior morality, we had a Fatsssa, or what used to be called FSSSA. Perhaps the change of name should be blamed for birthing this strange phase in Fatsssa. Unlike the glorious past where we had leaders, who though not necessarily perfect, had a highly efficient moral compass, what we have today in Fatsssa is a total sham. What we have now are men who can’t give their word and stand by it. Men who just make promises to assuage the masses for a short period of time. Men whose wisdom have become deceit.

Unfortunately, these are the words that describe Fatsssa right now. We are tired of keeping mute, we are tired of bearing with the nonchalance that pervades us. It calls for great concern that fact that it seems this executive council is running away from accountability. For over Four weeks now, the President, Mr Jones Ogelekeme has promised to furnish us with the statement of account and till now it has been one form of flimsy excuse or another. The President categorically stated at the last sitting (Friday 22nd of April, 2017) that we would have the statement the coming week (the week that just went by). This is not the first time he’s making such promises. No explanation whatsoever! This is not the transparency you promised at the polls. All it takes to request for a statement of account is the request itself by the operators of the account. What is holding you back? What is in the statement that you can’t show us?


Mr Adefowope Abiodun, the Financial Secretary who was meant to provide a financial report at the last sitting but never showed up (without any valid reason) has proved himself in the past few days to be a another maradonna of our time. The man whose network goes on vacation whenever words like “financial”, “statement” or “account” is mentioned. This man was on the phone with the Press over the weekend. Whenever he was asked about the financial report, he would feign network failure. This cleverness in mischief is not only repugnant, it is not befitting of someone holding such a sensitive position. To make matters worse, when the said individual met with the Editor-In-Chief before Press time, the latter requested for the former’s room number so an interview could be initiated concerning these and other issues but the Financial Secretary vehemently declined giving out his room number and insisted a call be put through to him instead, to the same phone that he claims is having network issues. Why is Mr. Financial Secretary absconding from a harmless interview? What are we missing? What are you hiding from Fatsssaites? We demand answers.


From the look of things, it seems this current House is not ready for business this year, at least not yet. Over three sittings ago (about four weeks ago), the House directed the executive council to print proper receipts to replace the current biodata form they’re using in lieu of a conventional receipt and till the time of making this publication, the executive council led by Jones Ogelekeme has not done anything concerning the matter. When an executive is flaunting rulings of a legislative council and such council is just looking on, it’s just a matter of time before it is reduced to a toothless bulldog. It’s just a matter of time before resolutions reached in The House is swept under the carpet without implementation. It’s just a matter of time before the House becomes just a decoration. We’re therefore charging the House of Representatives to be alive to their duties like they’ve been in times past. Honourables whom we respect for their forthrightness should help the Speaker sail this ship aright.


*We expect first that after reading this, the executive would come up with a solid explanation to justify why things are the way they are or lay low and pray this fuzz dies down. Whichever line of action you take, we’ll be waiting and we won’t rest until we see Fatsssa heading in the right direction.

*That the House of Representatives does justice to issues that have been raised here at the next sitting.

*That the House finalises the issue of the legislative letter that is to accompany any cheque going to the bank, in order to ensure withdrawal from the Faculty account is monitored and regulated and to prevent misappropriation which was the hallmark of the previous tenure.

All Correspondence (rejoinders inclusive) be directed to the Editor-In-Chief via:
fatsssapress@gmail.com or 2348168056060.
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