Admission into federal universities in Nigeria never comes without a price tag. It is either the entrance exam is unreasonably tough or you’ll have to “settle” your way in. In other cases where you get admitted by merit, as in the University of Ibadan, you’ll have to pay in some other way – Stress! From the day you secure admission into Unibadan, you struggles begin!
The good thing however, is that this stress won’t kill you but prepare you for the mainstream world. Besides, others have passed through this system and are still alive to tell the story.
One good thing about the University is that you’ll meet a lot of people from different walks of life. Some will inspire you; others would make you laugh while a few would just irritate you! For this week, I have compiled a list of ten people you’re almost definitely going to meet in your four, five or say six years sojourn in the university that prides herself as the best in Nigeria.

(1.) The Debater
There’s never peace or the tiniest form of tranquility in the company of the debater. I don’t know how they do it, but they have a way of starting an argument from the most ridiculous of subjects. They would argue with anyone about anything until they feel they’ve won a point or their opposition concedes, either out of boredom or succumb to their undying argumentative energy! The debater is the guy who specializes in questioning your every proposition. This is the type that starts e-fights online.

(2.) The Guy You Just Love To Hate
You can’t really point to a cogent reason as to why you don’t like him. You just know you do not like him. Sometimes, you try to make yourself like him but despite all your efforts, you seem to be repulsed by an unseen force. If you know anyone like this, please refer him to the closest MFM branch; there must be a spiritual mask covering his face!

(3.) The Clown
You’ll always laugh in the company of a clown. They have a way of making your day. Most times, you don’t know if you’re laughing because of their jokes or at their stupidity. Often than not, you get amused by their mere appearance! If you’re unfortunate however, you might meet the one who combines the role of a clown with that of a retard. This one will annoy more than amaze you. They are known to ask useless questions and you always have a hard time explaining things to this type.

(4.) The Professional Chef
Sometimes, you’ll think they might be studying culinary arts until you realize culinary arts is not available in the first and best University. They rarely use the Cafeteria. You’ll find them in the Kitchenettes almost all the time. And they don’t just cook, they actually cook like they run a restaurant! Separate stew; separate vegetable sauce and even Amala or Poundo! And don’t forget to add sizeable chunks of meat! The good thing about the chef is that you won’t ‘want’ if you’re close to him because he will be your… (lol)

(5.) The Game Freaks
These ones can game for a living! You’ll find them gaming till-day-break (T.D.B) while the jackos are studying from morning to night (M.T.N). Most times you find them in a group discussing the new features in the update of Assassins Creed. At other times you’ll find them at your faculty lounge busy with Make-up Artist or Candy Crush!

(6.) The Jacko and the Efiwe
If you’re a returning student, you must have called someone an efiwe or Jacko in the past. If you’re a fresher, the jacko a.k.a jackometre is the one you see whenever you go to the reading room or when you visit Kenneth Dike Library. Whenever they have a nightmare, it’s either a book is chasing them or their grandmother is tormenting them for under reading! I had a roommate who always slept with a heavy textbook on his face – sometimes I wonder how he breathes; other times, I simply remove the book. I once said good morning to him and his reply was the definition of electrolysis. The manner at which they study would make you think they’re aiming at 8 points. If you know anybody like that, please tell them they won’t score more than a 7 point! *seriously, Eeeleri 8 point* *FYI: CGPA o jawo mo ooo entrepreneurship ti take over*

(7.) The Special Case
The special case is the voice you hear at midnight in your hall of residence, shouting, “Ye! Yeeee! Egba mi o Yeeeee!” They are the cocks crowing at 11:59pm and the dogs barking uncontrollably! The special case is that guy who asks you, “how was your night?” at 5pm! She is the clingy girl in your department that gives everybody the feeling you’re dating! At first you might be tempted to think they’re plagued or something of the sort, but with time, you’ll understand that there’re just ‘special’. You’ll find them at the block D of Zik hall or at the C block of Indy.

(8.) The Eternal Borrower
This one will ask for your toothpaste and even your toothbrush! When you see them wearing different shades of eye-shadow every day, don’t think they have so many, they only borrow from different people! They would constantly borrow almost everything, from salt to knorr chicken; from wristwatch to necklace and even perfume! I was (un)fortunate to meet one in my 100l days. He smelt different every day. I admired his ‘nature of variety’ until I found out he had a perfume-borrowing-roster! Chai! Na by force?

(9.) The Holier Than Thou
These ones would condemn you pinging in class but would readily use the toilet without flushing! They specialize in analyzing every of your actions, pointing out your ‘sins’ to you. Sometimes, you’ll be like, “shey na because of me them create you?” Other times, you’ll just feel like hitting them hard and damning the consequences whatsoever! Iyalaya SDC, igbaju ti take over joor!

(10.) That Person You Just Love To Like
There’s always that one person you like. You don’t know if it’s the looks that attract you or whether it’s their great sense of humour. You just know you love them! He/she is that person you anticipate chatting with. The close friend of yours that always reserves a seat for you. The humble guy that walks you to your hall of residence almost every day. These ones are nice to a fault! He/she is anyone you dread losing!

-Prof Gee


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